It's Quite Uptown

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It's Quiet Uptown

Ships: All boys

Summary: The boys are performing in Kansas City, but before they do the show the take a trip to a quiet uptown, where stress doesn't exist

Inspired by Hamilton's song " It's Quiet Uptown"

*Edited: 5/7/20 grammar and spelling*


Why Don't We have just launched their 2019 tour for 8 Letters! The boys have already done a bunch shows and are on their wad to Dallas, Texas for their second show. So far a lot of things happened on this tour already, let me break it down for you;

-Jonah and Daniel are fucking drunk and Jonah broke a table with his fat ass (according to Daniel and sources)

-Jonah then losing his mic, but Corbyn having it the whole time

-A mom ran on stage and scared Zach by twerking

-A bra and dildo were thrown on stage

And finally

-Daniel's fucking high note is killing everyone during "In Too Deep"

Tour has been crazy for them, but lately, they been stressed. Today for an example Jack ended up tripping on the stage and ended up crashing into Zach who lost balance and pushed Jonah who ended up knocking over Daniel and ended up falling off the stage. Corbyn then messed up during a dance move and ended up hitting Daniel in the face. To sum it up, the boys are a mess. And things were about to take a turn

"I'm in too deep, can't touch the bottom with my feet, don't know what you did to mep!" Daniel's voice cracked for the third time during this soundcheck

"Okay, that's it! I give up!" he yelled

"Daniel, its okay, try again," said Zach calmly

"Try AGAIN? You're bullshitting me right now! This is the third time! The third time! I am getting annoyed with myself!"

"Daniel, we know, we all are getting annoyed with ourselves and each other. This tour we had a lot of funny things happen, but also embarrassing ones too, but everyone makes mistakes" Jonah said

Daniel sighed and nodded then put his hand in his face and broke down. The boys all then went to Daniel and gave me a big group hug and then ended breaking down also. They loved touring and all, but it was stressful as hell. Every night they see thousands of phones up in the air and they know if they mess up everyone in the whole world knows.

"You know what? Fuck it, Let's ditch practice, we don't need to practice today, besides the show isn't till tomorrow night we can practice then. Let's grab our skateboards and ditch this place. Clearly we need to relieve some stress" Jack said

"I'm in," Corbyn said

"Same here," Zach said

"Agreed," said Daniel while wiping the tears away

"Let's go then," Jonah said while breaking away from the group

The boys then ran off the stage and made their way towards their bus and opened the door. Thankfully, no one was in it and they took out their earpieces and changed into comfortable clothes and grabbed their skateboards/ booster boards, wallets, and phones.

Quickly the boys made their way towards the gate and quietly hopped the fence and made a be line down the road. There were no fans around thankfully and they started to laugh and ride their way down the road

Why Don't We: Zach Herron Centric One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now