Who Are You?

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Who Are You?

Ships: Zaniel

Summary: just ready to find out! Warning! Angst!


Today the boys were in Chicago, IL at the Rosemont Theatre for tonight's show. They were on the 8 Letters Tour. Tour has been going great so far, not many incidents or major accidents happened and John was grateful for that.

So the day was packed and the boys were excited about the show. All but one, of course, Zach, on the other hand, felt tired as hell.

Zach's Pov:

I was woken up by my alarm ringing and groaned. I know it was a full day of work and we had a show in Chicago. This was going to be a long one. I slowly woke up and grabbed my toiletries and clothes for the day and headed inside the theater and went towards the showers. I showered and got ready and then went to the craft services and got some breakfast. After eating something, I headed back to the bus.

"Hey Zay, your up early, usually, you'll be the last to wake up," said Daniel

"Well my sorry butt decided to wake myself up and not get yelled at," I said in a grumpy tone

I then went on my phone and checked my socials and liked a few things here and there. Corbyn and Jack came into the lounge next. The rest of the guys made cereal and started to get ready for today. After getting ready we just relaxed for a bit and chatted until we had to leave and get ready for the day.

*Time Skip*

We finished up soundcheck and then headed out to lunch. We all stopped at a restaurant called Trinity Restaurant and Bakery. We got a table and a waiter came and asked what drinks we wanted and then we ordered our food. About 30 minutes later the food came and we started to eat.

"I'm excited about this show!" Corbyn said with a smile

"Same here! It's going to be a great one!" Jonah said

"Probably one of my favorites," said Jack

"Oh shut it you three! You guys are just excited because Tate, Christina, and Gabbie are coming to the show" Daniel said with a smirk, while the three boys blushed and looked away

"Zach are you excited?" Jack asked

"Depends, for you guys or the show?" I said with sarcasm

"Geez! It was just a question, but both"

"I'm looking forward to the show more, but I'm happy for you three idiots"

"Hey at least we can spell correctly" Jack shot back

"It was one freaking TIME!" I yelled back

"Children! Keep quiet and behave!" Corbyn said

"You not my Dad!" I said

"Not the point," Corbyn said

"Well, then speaking of the girls, none of you are allowed to came back to the bus with them," Daniel said

"What why?"

" Zach and I are Innocent children of God, we DON'T want to hear you guys doing the nasty!"

"Innocent my ass, Daniel we all know that your truly not," I said, then quickly grasp and covered my mouth

"How do you know Zach?" Jonah said with a suspicious look

"Uhh... I don't know, I'm just assuming that he is. It's more of an estimated guess and well if the probability of it is like 50% then we can assume the true average is more than that or run a 1-prop Z-test and calculate the P-value of said success" I ramble out while looking down. I then looked up and met the gaze and saw them wide-eyed and confused.

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