Life is a Beautiful Gift

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Life is a Beautiful Gift
Summary: The boys are in Las Vegas for some interviews and for a fun weekend, but soon to only have that weekend cut short, due to a massive American Tragedy.
Warnings: This contains murder and violence. All of this story is based on true events, read at your own risk. This story takes place on the day of the Las Vegas shooting, I am NOT disrespecting anyone or anything. My heart aches when ever talked about. Please keep the lost souls in your hearts and this story is to remind us that Life is a Gift. This was inspired from the boy's Book In the Limelight, Chapter 17. After reading their perspective it made me cry but also inspired to write somehow. Some parts will be dramatic to add effect to this story, this story is considered historical fiction. In easier words, fiction story with real life events that happened. I do not intend to disrespect anyone at all, if you strongly don't like this, please turn away and click out of the story.

*Edited: 5/7/20 grammar and spelling*

Oct. 10, 2017 at 2 pm

*In a Interview*

"Hello and welcome to Lime POP magazine! We are here with the hottest rising boy band; Why Don't We! Welcome boys!" said interviewer Chole, who was in a chair facing the boys on a couch. The boys were sitting from left to right; Corbyn, Jack, Daniel, Jonah, Zach.

The boys smiled and waved to the cameras.

"Okay boys, I want to know your thoughts on what happened this earlier this week. For those who don't know. A few days ago, we had the worst mass shooting in the history of America. 58 people were killed and more than 850 injured when a gunman opened fire at a country music festival on the Las Vegas Strip on October 1, 2017."

The boys stayed silent, not knowing what to say. But in their head, they knew exactly what that day was like like for them.

"So boys, you were in Las Vegas for some interviews and to enjoy a little fun weekend, right?"

The boys nodded

"So, tells what was going through your minds when this happened."

"I can say on our behalf that this was the most scariest thing ever to happen to us. And to be honest, we didn't know that we would survive" said Jonah in a shaky voice and the boys scooted closer to him, comforting the boy.
"We are so thankful to be alive and to have lived through that experience, but our prayers go out to everyone who was hurt and to the families that it had effected" said Daniel

The interview listened and then asked "Could you tells us what happened through your perspective?"

The boys looked at each other for a moment and then nodded and explained

"It started off like a normal day for us.....


"Zach lets go or were going to be late for the photoshoot!" Jack yelled at the youngest

"Okay okay, I'm ready" Zach said

The two boys quickly left their hotel room and headed downstairs to the lobby to find three angry faces

"What took you guys so long?" Corbyn said

"Good morning to you" said Jack

"Seriously, you two are 10 minutes late!"

Zach looked down and said "I'm sorry, I woke up late"

The ignored it and they headed outside to the uber quickly and jumped in. After about 15 minutes, they arrived at the studio and got changed in to this

Why Don't We: Zach Herron Centric One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now