Stuck in a Box

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Stuck in a Box
Summary: Zach gets a panic attack in an elevator.

Thanks to Why_Dont_We_Jachary for this idea!

*Edited: 5/7/20 grammar and spelling*


It was a sunny day in L.A., the weather was in the mid-70s and with a slight breeze. Thankfully the temperature did not go up. The Why Don't We household was just waking up and was at the start of the new day.

Jonah was the first up and got ready for the day and headed downstairs to make some breakfast for the boys. He got out the ingredients to make pancakes and bacon. 20 minutes in the rest of the boys came down and they started to eat, talk, and look over their schedule for today.

9:00 am: Be up and ready for the day

9:45 am: Be at the Radio 19.5 Z3-E for interview

11:30 am: Be at the studio

12:15 pm: Get lunch

12:55 pm: Back in the studio

5:00 pm: Rehearsal for Tour

5:30 pm: Meeting with Manager about upcoming events

6:00 pm: Grab Dinner

7:15 pm: Back to the Studio (writing new songs)

9:30 pm: Back to the house

Rest of the night free.

The boys looked over their busy schedule and packed up some stuff in backpacks for the day, like chargers, clothes, writing materials, wallets, and other items.

"Hey, Daniel! Where is my Backpack" said Corbyn

"I don't check under your bed"

"It's not gonna... be there.-----Nevermind you were right"

"Ok Guys! Let's go it 8:15 already!" yelled Jonah

The boys all came downstairs with their things and headed out to the uber. Then about 30 minutes later, the arrived into the station. They walked in and saw that Bam Bam was there waiting.

"There you guys are, let's get you set up. And let me take your bags, I'm driving you guys today."

The boy handed their stuff to Bam Bam and went in to get set up for the interview. They all sat around the table going from left to right from the interviewer's perspective; Jonah, Daniel, Corbyn, Jack, and lastly Zach.

"Hey, guys! And welcome back to Radio 19.5 Z3-E, I'm Ali and in the studio today we have Why Don't We! Welcome Guys!"

"Hi," they all said

"Okay, so you First Album 8 Letters dropped in Aug. How do you feel about it being out finally?"

"It amazing, we never were to think we could make an Album. The experience is amazing. We really wanted to give the fans the best and while making this we took a long time to create this." said Jack

"Yeah, we knew that when we wanted to make the first album. We wanted to take our time with it. Unlike our other EP's, we pumped them out fast but this was something different. " said Daniel

" Wow, that's amazing. Any we have a little game here, which is who is most likely too? You will point to the person, who you believe it would refer to. Are you guys ready for it?

Why Don't We: Zach Herron Centric One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now