Sickness Sucks

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Sickness Sucks

Summary: Zach ends up getting really sick.

Warnings: Nothing

*Edited: 5/7/20 grammar and spelling*


Zach's Pov:

I woke up feeling like a truck came and hit me at full speed. I was tired and nauseous and the world was spinning around me. I got up and went to the bathroom to get ready and freshen up today. Before even getting up I felt dizzy, to say the least. After, brushing my teeth and fixing my hair, I got dressed in plaid pants and black sweaters and put on some black doc martens. I walked down the stairs, but with every step, my body ached so badly. I didn't understand what was going on, it was most likely just a small stomach ache.

When I got downstairs I saw that Jonah was cooking eggs and it was giving me a huge headache.

"Morning Zach, do you want any eggs? " said Jonah

"No, I'm not hungry," I said

"Ok, by the way, today is a full day, so don't get any ideas," said Jonah with a stern voice

Great A full day of interviews, limelight, concert, VIP, and more. Just what I needed to add to my sickness.

"Yeah, I got it no funny business," I said dryly

I went to go sit on the couch and check my phone but as I went to sit down and shot of pain went through my body and I yelped. Ok, first my stomach? Now my joints? What's next a rash? I swear to god, I was starting to get annoyed with myself and whatever my body was doing to me.

Third Pov:

"Okay guys, let's get going!" Jonah yelled

The boys quickly went into the uber that was waiting for them and were headed off. To the interviews. Half-way through the interviews, I started to feel very weak and nauseous. My head was slipping in and out of focus and I was really out of it.

*in a whisper"

"Zach! Focus and don't mess this up" said Jack in a hard tone.

"I'm sorry, I'm trying too, but I'm getting really dizzy and nauseous"

"Well, try harder" he left out a huff

What is going on with me?

After the third interview, we out to eat to taco bell and that made me want to throw up. I swear the guys notice me being off today but just ignored it. We got our food and started to eat. I started to eat but halfway, I felt my stomach twist and turn. Immediately, I got up and bolted to the bathroom. I got into one of the stalls and got down and started to vomit everything up into the toilet. After 5 mins of continuous vomiting, I heard the door open and heard muffled voices.

"Zach, buddy, Are you okay?" Daniel asked

I moaned in pain from the stomach and clutched it. I couldn't respond.

"Zach, open the door up, please. We need to get you home immediately," said Jonah

I stood up slowly and flushed the toilet and opened the stall. I then heard all the guys gasp, and I was confused. I went to take a step forward but collapsed, thankfully the boys caught me before I hit the floor but then I just blacked out.

*At Home*

I woke up in my bed, very confused on what happened. Just then the boys came in to check on me.

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