16. Feel Empty.

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You're always asked why do you feel,
So empty inside?
You always answer,
That there's nothing inside.
Nothing but that you feel empty.
Because you feel nothing.
Because you are nothing.

You're missing out,
You're living a life not filled with something,
With substance.
Something is missing,
Not an item,
Not a person,
But a feeling that you're missing.
That you can feel in your core,
That fills you with emptiness.
This feeling of emptiness,
Fills you completely,
Out of you is nothing now.

And you know a feeling is missing.
But you're not sure what that filling is.
You're not sure what you're feeling.
Instead you are filled with more of nothing,

Can't seem to be filled,
With something of substance.
Can't seem to feel nothing.
Can't seem to feel something.
You realize you are alone in your nothingness.
Alone all over again.

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