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We stand at the bus stop, waiting to be picked up. Neither of us have a solid plan. Somehow we have to stop this. We have to end this simulation, take back our free will.

"I say we start with my dad- or whoever he is." Stefan says softly so only I can hear, "If he's controlling the simulation than maybe killing him will stop it. Or at least give us time to end it ourselves."

"You think so?" I can see the pain in his face. His dad is all he has left. His mum died when he was only five. He was raised by that man and like it or not, he does love him.

"What other choice do we have? He's the only other person behind this that we know of!"

I nod, "Okay. We'll do it. Together." I take his hand as the bus rolls to a stop in front of us and we climb on.


We walk towards Stefan's house slowly. We have no idea if his dad is inside. Part of me hopes he isn't, but another part doesn't want him to be anywhere else, looking for us.

We look through the windows and see no one. Stefan opens the front door and we cautiously step inside.

"Ah, here you are!"
We freeze where we are. There, in the living room, is Peter-Craig- sitting in an armchair across from... Dr. Haynes.

"What- what are you doing here!" Stefan asks her.
"Your dad was just telling me that he's concerned about you, Stefan. He says you've met a girl and are acting out- oh, hello Aemilili." She smiles when she spots me behind Stefan.

We're wary as we continue to step forward towards them. It's hard to tell if Dr. Haynes is telling the truth or not.

"Dad, can I talk to you?" Stefan asks his dad as innocently as he can.
"Sure, go ahead." Craig's fake ignorance sickens me.
"Um, in private?"
Stefan's hand subconsciously clutches his pocket where the screwdriver is tucked away.
Oh Stefan, don't do it, I think to myself.

"Stefan, your father and I are talking." I look at her just in time to see Dr. Haynes' eyes dart up from where the screwdriver is hidden in Stefan's pocket.
She knows.
"Stefan-" I whisper a warning.
"No. I need him alone." Stefan's voice is unwavering.

"I can't let that happen, Stefan." Dr. Haynes stands up, her right hand behind her back.
"Stefan!" I exclaim as he pulls the tool from his pocket and charges for his dad.
Just as he reaches the middle aged man, the doctor pulls out a gun and fires. The bullet barely misses.
Stefan stabs his dad. This time he only does it once, but it's enough. The man drops to the floor, dead.

"Craig!" Dr. Haynes screams and turns towards us, murder in her eyes. She points the gun right at me.

"If you stop now, I won't hurt her." She says, "let me give you the Mirari Antigen. It will make everything go back to normal. We'll tell you that your dad left you, or got in a car accident."
Stefan points the screwdriver at her.
"Why would I do that? You're making me live in a lie! You're all actors! We can't even make our own choices!"
"Oh Stefan. We're not here to hurt you. It's all strictly for research."
"No." He says.
"Oh? So you've made your choice then-"
*stay and fight Dr. Hayes- continue to chapter: 14*
*Run and hide outside- go to chapter: 15*
*surrender- go to chapter: 16

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