Episode 1 (Part 1)

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Hunk POV

I crossed the dining hall, clutching the plastic container in my hands. I knew I should save the banana cake inside for when I am off gallivanting in space, but never mind. I can't help it. I searched for a place to sit and slid onto the bench opposite a lanky boy staring dejectedly into the scratch marks on the table.

"Launching tomorrow," I said. "The big day." I relaxed on his seat. "Ugh, it feels like forever ago we piled onto the blue lion and blasted out into space. Man, we had no idea what we were getting into!"

Lance just grimaced. "Yup."

I ignored his moping and tried to find something he'd want to talk about. The TV show? I smiled just thinking about it. Especially this weird 'romance' between Keith and Allura. But when I mentioned it Lance just sat up a bit straighter.

"They are probably better for each other than we are. Maybe I should just forget about it." He stared into his tea, now only lukewarm.

"Wait," I exclaimed, my banana cake forgotten, "Allura isn't coming with you to the party? Did she say no?" Lance shook his head.

"I haven't asked. And I don't plan to. She's made it pretty clear she doesn't want to go out with me." He pushed the tea away and reached for my box. "You know what? I don't mind. I'm gonna go to this silly Goodbye Party and find a human girl who will wait for me back on Earth while I'm saving the universe." He leaped onto the bench and imitated a smitten girl, batting her eyelashes into space.

"'Oh Lance,'" He squeals, "'When will you come back to me?!" I grinned.

"Suit yourself," I said, and stood up, already imagining a quiet spot away from everywhere else to eat in peace. "See you then, and I'm looking forward to seeing this girl." 

Lance POV

I didn't even think about where my legs were taking me. Since defeating the Galra, I'd taken this route almost every day, and it had become a habit to knock to the theme song of Killbot Phantasm 1 and quote Mercury Gameflux 2 as I come in. Today, I was slumped in one of the green beanbags before I'd even noticed the girl sitting next to me.

"Agh, just who I need," Pidge said. "My sharpshooter." She shoved a console into my hands. "C'mon, I need your help with this level." My fingers started moving feverishly as I stared at the screen.

"So..." Pidge said, sacrificing a life to glance at my downcast face. "What happened? With Allura, I mean." I shook my head.

"Nothing. That's the thing. Nothing has happened with Allura since I met her. I think I have to get it into my head that she wants nothing to happen."

"Maybe that would be for the best," Pidge suggested, eyes on the screen. "If you think about it, it wouldn't work anyway. You said you want to stay here, on Earth, when all of this is over. I'm pretty sure Allura will want to head back into space. I can't see how that would've worked." Pidge stopped abruptly. I wondered why was she being so assertive about this? Usually, she liked to stay out of people's business. Maybe she didn't want to see me get hurt. Which has already happened. She cleared her throat.

"Upgrade your thrusters," 


It had been hours, and I checked my watch.

"We should stop, the party is starting soon."

Pidge just grunted, eyes fixed on the screen.

"Aren't you coming?" I asked, logging off.

"I was planning on staying here. I've said my goodbyes to everyone already." I spluttered.

"But if you don't come I'm stuck with Hunk. And Keith! Don't leave me!" Pidge just chuckled.

"Parties aren't my thing." I grinned mischievously.

"They will be." Before Pidge could react, I snatched her console out of her hands.

"Hey!" Pidge screeched and threw herself on top of me. "I was winning!" She reached desperately towards the controller, but my lanky arms kept it just out of her reach. After a few seconds of frantic scrabbling, the familiar chimes of 'Game Over' emitted from the screen. Pidge slumped, only to find herself on top of me, chest to chest. The console lay forgotten in my hand, and I grinned, doing my best to ignore her eyes boring into mine.

"I guess you may as well come with me then," I said, staring at the little freckles covering Pidge's nose. I hadn't noticed them before. Pidge scowled and rolled off me and onto the floor.

"I hate you." She stared at the ceiling in defeat.

"I'll meet you outside your room later." I climbed out of the chair and set down the controller. "At least there'll be free food!" Pidge rolled onto her front to give me the death stare as I left. I grinned as I walked towards my room, imagining her powering the game back up and jumping back into her seat. She'd be ready to go and waste the night away, but her avatar would refuse to move. She'd do that cute frown where her nose scrunches up and her eyes narrow, like when she's doing maths, and then she would realise the problem and rip off the back of the controller. I smirked and tossed a battery up into the air, the other one tucked into my pocket.


Thank you for reading! :) I will publish the next chapter soon but in the meantime, I like attention so please vote and comment and follow. PLEASE. Also, I dedicate this fic to ma bestie (you know who you are) <3 You are a cool dude xx

p.s. I know this chapter was short but don't worry I have a lot written, I'm just releasing it bit by bit. :) 

p.p.s now you know why my user is what it is. In the process of writing this, I googled video games.

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