hesitate // t. amajiki

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  it was only a week, your boyfriend promised you. he was joining hado nejire and kirishima eijirou on a hunting trip, and you trusted the two to look after the awkward man you'd come to love. they were the some of the top ten within the hunting agency you worked for, this should have been a walk in the park for them. they should have returned in less than a week.

but, two weeks had passed with no contact. and your boss had assigned a new task force. one that included you, mirio togata, and bakugou katsuki. you were supposed to retrieve the three if possible, and if you found them turned, you were to kill them immediately.

your heart was heavy as mirio drove down to where they were rumoured to have last been heard from, a small abandoned church in a rundown section of town. mirio noticed your anxious expression and made eye contact with you through the rearview mirror, a reassuring smile on his lips.

"he'll be okay," the man said.

but you could only nod meekly, unsure of what laid ahead of you.

you gripped your stake tightly as the car parked just outside of the church. the windows were boarded up, spray paint decorating the exterior with various logos and sayings. bakugou was loading up his holy water grenades into his belt, while mirio turned to you.

"we need you to stay out here and keep a lookout. if we don't return in fifteen minutes, i need you to go back to the agency and alert the boss," he said. "and if they did get tamaki, don't hesitate, (name)."

you gave mirio and nervous smile, "okay. please, be safe. you, too, bakugou-kouhai."

but the fiery boy scowled. "tch, i'll be fine."

and you watched as the two blonds entered the church.

the air around you was silent, almost too quietly without the birds chirping or any sound of wildlife. there was the steady howl of the wind through the trees and dancing with the broken down shutters of the church, but that seemed to be it. until you heard a crunch behind you, and you wheeled around with a holy water grenade gripped tight in your hands.

"show yourself!" you shouted.

but you caught no movement, working it out to be nerves. what you were nervous about, you hadn't a clue. you had worked as a hunter for years, training since your parents had allowed you to do so. they were hunters, as well as their parents, and their parents' parents. you had hunter blood within you, and you had killed too many vampires to count. so why start getting nervous now, of all times?

you turned back to your original position of watching the church. a scream bubbled from your lips as amajiki tamaki had appeared in front of you. you backpedaled and removed the stake from your belt, wielding it in front of you with the point towards your boyfriend.

"ta-tama-kun," you whimpered.

there was an anxious frown on his lips, "pl-please put that away. i'm not here to hurt you."

but you didn't move, "you're one of them, aren't you?"

the frown deepened. "don't be mad," he mumbled. "please don't be mad."

your heart sank. you could remember mirio's words don't hesitate, but none of your muscles wanted to listen to your brain but rather your heart. he looked the same, but there was a slight red glare to his once indigo eyes, and you didn't miss the pearly white fangs poking past his lips.

"(n-name), please." he held up a trembling hand, as though he was approaching a wild animal. "it-it's me, i promise. i'm still me."

but you took a step back, "n-no, you're not! you're one of them!"

you weren't sure when it had started drizzling out, but you could feel it come down more until the rain had dampened your hair, enough for your bangs to plaster against your forehead. why did it always rain when something like this happened? you thought maybe it was just in the movies, but it was almost always accurate in real life, as well.

the boyfriend you once knew took another step toward you, those reddened indigo eyes pleading with you. "(name)...."

you stared at him and your bottom lip began to tremble. you couldn't help but remember the long nights that he would stay with you, when you couldn't sleep and he would make you tea and talk with you until your eyelids felt heavy. how he knew when a situation was making you uncomfortable, and he would protect you from whatever it was, no matter how anxious he was feeling.

the stake dropped from your hand, and your knees hit the floor. "i-i can't."

he dropped down in front of you, the hands that once warmed you now cold against the soft skin of your cheeks. you lifted your head to meet his gaze, you (eye color) orbs searching his with uncertainty, and then you felt his lips press against yours.

it was hesitant, and your lips moved on their own accord. your arms slipped around his neck, and you kissed him back with every ounce of feeling. your heart fluttered at the contact, and you could feel heat begin to spread as you got to kiss the love of your life again.

kissing in the rain, how romantic.

"tama-kun," you breathed as you pulled away. "i... i love you."

he gave you a soft smile in return. "i love you, too."

you looked away, and you knew that the boys, given they were successful, would be out soon. "it's because i love you that you need to run."


"mirio and bakugou, they're inside right now," you explained. "they'll be done soon, and while i-i can't kill you, they will."

the vampire's heart clenched, but he nodded in understanding. "i s-see."

"perhaps we'll meet again," you mumbled, your breath fanning across his lips. "but until that time, please... don't hurt anyone."

he nodded and pressed his forehead against yours. "i-i will do my best, (name). th-thank you."

you placed a quick kiss to his lips. "i love you, tama-kun. be safe."

he returned the kiss, and just as the doors to the church opened once more, he vanished as quick as he appeared.

"any luck?" you called, clambering back to your feet.

bakugou glared, "no. it appears they left. we'll have to keep searching. maybe if we come back with a larger group we can...."

the fiery blond's voice faded out as your eyes searched the forest. you could still feel his cool lips against yours, his soft touch against your skin, those indigo eyes you'd fallen in love with locked with yours.

"(name)?" mirio called. "you alright?"

you snapped from your trance and looked to the blue-eyed male, "yeah, sorry, just... thought i saw something."

he gave you a cautious glance as he opened the car door for you, and you slipped yourself into the backseat. as the car drove off, you could have sworn you saw those indigo eyes through the rain-streaked glass of the window, or maybe it was just a trick of the light.

"i love you," you whispered.

and you could have sworn you imagined it, but you heard an i love you, too.

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