Chapter 1

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                                    Chapter one

          I snapped into awareness and immediately asked myself where I was.  I could feel a cold metal grate against my cheek and I opened my eyes to a familiar pair of ratty old converse.  I pushed myself up from the ground still trying to get my bearings when my eyes connected with those of the shoe’s owner.

            I gasped and tears formed in my eyes at the sight of the face I left behind one hundred years ago. “Doctor, Is that you?”  I managed to choke out.

            “Mmm-hmm,” He hummed before looking at me again and asking, “Wait, who are you? How do you know my name and how’d you get onto the TARDIS?”  Before I could say anything he rambled on, “This kind of reminds me of when I met Donna.”  Stroking the TARDIS he lovingly asked, “Where do you find these people?”

            A shudder ran through my body and my eyes felt hot, later the Doctor would tell me that they flashed gold as well. I giggled listening to the voice before telling the Doctor, “She says that she didn’t find Donna, Donna found her  and don’t even think about blaming her for Martha that one was all you.”

            The Doctor’s jaw dropped and he asked me, “You can hear the TARDIS can’t you?”

            “Well yes,” I answered slightly puzzled by my new skill and why I’d not noticed what I was doing. “I suppose I can.”

            The Doctor’s face was all business as he questioned me, “What did you say your name was?”

            Slowly I answered, “Rose, Rose Tyler. You really don’t recognize me Doctor?”

            “Oh come on.” The Doctor said. “Like I’d fall that trick you couldn’t even get her hair color right.”

            “What?” I asked my hand reaching for my hair which I just then realized was long and wavy.  I pulled a strand in front of my eyes and gasped when light shimmered off of its vibrant red.  The Doctor was looking at me strangely by this point and narrowed his eyes when I spoke.

            “Mirror, I need a mirror.” I said and flinched upon realizing even my voice was different.  Thankfully the TARDIS realized who I was and a mirror swung off of the consul.

            I walked over to the mirror and gingerly touched my new face.  No wonder he hadn’t recognized me I looked like a completely different person.  Tears of anger gathered in my eyes as I spun to face the Doctor.

            “This is your fault! All of it is your bloody fault! First, I get left with the meta-crisis Doctor, then he dies, then I don’t age for years and everyone I love bloody dies and then-“   I stopped to take a breath and as I realized what happened next the blood drained out of my face leaving it ghost white.

            “Then what happened?” The Doctor asked with his brow furrowed.

            “And then I died,” I breathed out.

            “No but really, what happened next?” The Doctor asked me with doubt in his eyes.

            “I bloody well died,” I stated calmly. “I was standing there with my gun drawn and the alien leapt at Joshua so I shot it.  Then its mate attacked me I only got one shot off before it gored me.”  I looked over at the doctor I added, “When I woke up I was here in this body.

            The Doctor’s eyes softened and he said, “Yes well, Rose is it? Come over here where I can a few tests and see how you got here in this body.”

            “No thanks Doc, I’ve had more enough tests done these last hundred years.”  I told him shuddering as I remembered the ten years I had spent in UNIT’s hands.

            “See that’s another thing that tells me you aren’t Rose,” The Doctor said putting on his glasses as he looked me over. “She was an ordinary human couldn’t possibly live long, not without side effects.”

            I rolled my eyes and told him, “It probably happened while I was traveling with you. Now what do you mean ordinary, I’ll have you know I was bloody fantastic.” 

            “No way it could’ve,” The Doctor scoffed completely ignoring the second half of my statement. “I’d have noticed if you’d developed any magical powers.”

            The TARDIS began to purr and as the Doctor looked around the heat behind my eyes returned.  I blinked twice and they turned a bright gold gaining the Doctor’s attention once more.

            “Doctor, there are things in this universe not even you understand.  The power of the time vortex is one of those things.  For it transforming a human into something else, something better, would be no problem at all. So that is what it did.  When Rose Tyler absorbed it she became a time lord.  All that was required to cement the process is she had to be in the place of the change during her first regeneration.  So I helped her I brought my wolf home to me.  For I am part of her and she is part of me, we are Bad Wolf.

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