Chapter 9

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Chapter Nine

However I had lost the Doctor’s attention; I followed his gaze and saw he was looking at a Shloog’s white neck ring. Or what used to what used to be a white neck ring and was now grey and slowly getting darker and darker.  I looked around the room and saw that every single Shloog was standing stock still as the same thing happened to the ring around their necks.

        “Doctor, what’s happening?” I asked trying to swallow my fear and remain calm.

            “I don’t know something must’ve gone wrong with the timeline. The Shloog should be peaceful for another five thousand years, I checked!” The Doctor exclaimed looking slightly panicked

“What do we do, how do we fix it?” I asked even though I knew he had no clue what to do.

“We need to find out-“The Doctor cut himself off as I was grabbed one of the Shloog.

It wrestled me off of my chair and subdued me with a shockwave from a metal device on its hands. The shock was so strong it knocked me unconscious.

When I woke up it was to the sight of the Doctor tied up across from me in a huge grey room. He was grinning at the Shloog’s failed attempts to get in through the TARDIS doors. The sight of them banging angrily on the TARDIS made the protective side of Bad Wolf flair up but I pushed it down.

I saw a man in a lab coat with his back towards me and called, “Any particular reason you’re trying to get in there?”

The man spun around revealing his snake like features and hissed, “Ahh you’re awake now I will tell the Doctor my demands.”

He turned to face the Doctor as he said, “My wife and unborn child are trapped in a parallel world, and you are going to take me to them.”

The Doctor just shook his head and said, “I’m sorry I can’t. The TARDIS can’t, she used to much power to bring Rose home. She’d die if she traveled parallels.”

The snake man laughed and said, “He told me you wouldn’t help. He said that for someone made out to be such a hero you were more than content to watch other people’s loved ones die.”

I eyed the Doctor wondering what new enemies he had made and asked, “Who told you that?”

“The man, the man in the coat!” He told me laughing with a faint note of hysteria. “That’s why I came here I knew you’d have a wife someone you cared about.” The alien slithered behind me and placed a hand on my shoulder. “If you don’t get me my wife I’ll have to keep yours.”

I the Doctor’s face twist in rage and his hand try to grab his sonic screwdriver before I made a choice. I slammed my elbow back into his gut making him hiss and snap his fingers. However in this time I managed to get myself untied.  This resulted in two Shloog peeling off the walls and attacking me. I struggled wildly but one managed to hold me down while the other bit down on my thigh.

I felt ice run through my veins coming from where I was bitten and dully wondered if Shloog were poisonous. Seeing as how my attackers walked off after biting me I was going to assume they were. I had no more time to think tough as my whole body began to thrash madly.

At that very moment the Doctor soniced his way through the ropes and swung out a fist knocking the snake man down to the ground. Then the Doctor ran to me and gently held me to prevent me from hurting myself.  As he carried me to the TARDIS I saw the alien get up and run towards us. Before I could even form a thought my eyes heated up and he disappeared in a flash of gold leaving me to drift into unconsciousness.

Later, I groaned and covered my eyes as my head banged. “Why do I feel like I have a hang over?””

“Rose you’re awake.” The Doctor crowed. Suddenly I felt hands on the sides of my face and the Doctor’s soft lips touched mine.

“Don’t ever do that again,” He whispered fiercely lips still touching mine.

As the Doctor stood up and began to walk away I asked, “What happened to that man? Did I kill him?”

“No,” The Doctor answered. “Don’t worry about that. You just sent him to a parallel world hopefully the on with his wife.”

I noticed the Doctor was about to start the TARDIS and called out, Come over here. We have things we should talk about.”

Warily the Doctor approached, “what’s there to talk about?”

“Well, number one the bloody kiss you laid on me and two, what are we going to do with the skewed time lines.”

The Doctor blinked twice before launching into a rant, “Rose, I’m sorry I kissed you I was just happy to you were alive and I still am in love with you. God, I’m an idiot I shouldn’t have assumed you still had feelings for me.  I mean you’re probably over me or still grieving the Meta-crisis Doctor.”

“Doctor,” I cut him off. “I still love you. All I wanted to know was how you felt and why you kissed me.”

Once again the Doctor gathered my face in his hands and pressed out lips together. Our mouths moved in synchronization as I savored how he tasted.

When we finally broke apart the Doctor pressed his forehead to mine and whispered, “I love you.”

A/n Wow this chapter is about 150 words longer then usual.

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