Chapter 8

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Chapter Eight

Camilla squinted at me and decided to ignore my stamen instead opting to make her announcement and leave, “If you will bathe now Letchen and Gretchen will bring you garments once you are done.”

Before I could reply the Shloog was gone and I was left alone. Deciding that listening to her was the best course of action I got into the tub and cleaned myself up.  After I stepped out and wrapped myself into a fluffy towel two Shloogs, who I assumed were Letchen and Gretchen, walked in.

One of them was holding a garment bag that and the other cleared her throat and began speaking, “Your highness.”

However she was interrupted by me saying, “Please call me Rose, it is my name after all.”

The Shloog just narrowed her eyes at me and began again, “Your highness, I am Gretchen and this is my sister Letchen.  If you would clothe yourself in this then go to the sitting room Finsen will do your hair.”

Letchen laid the garment bag over the counter before they both bowed and let themselves out of the room.  Rolling my eyes at their behavior I walked over to the bag and pulled out what appeared to be purple harem pants and crop top embroidered with silver.

Slowly I slipped the clothes on and ran my hand down its silky material relishing the way it felt. Once I was done I opened the door and made my way to the sitting room.

When I arrived it was to the sight of Finsen with an odd circular device fastened onto each of her palms.

“Sit.” She grunted at me gesturing to the chair that was directly in front of her.

I didn’t listen and instead stayed where I was and pointed at her hands asking, “What are those?”

“Do hair,” She said harshly apparently not one for small talk or any talk at all.

“Oh, okay.” I said making my way to her chair, “How?”

I could practically feel the Shloog’s irritation as she barked, “Watch,” and pressed a hand to my head.

A flash of heat ran all throughout my body and I reached a hand upwards to touch my hair only to find it dry.

“Oh, cool! What’s the other one do?” I asked excited by what the little piece of technology had done.

Finsen pressed her other hand to my head and I felt the same sensation throughout my body as my hair instantly formed little ringlets that surrounded my face.

“Wow got to get me one of those,” I said under my breath as grabbed my arm and wrenched me out of the chair.

I pulled my arm out of her grasp as she motioned for me to follow her and was mildly surprised by how fast she was walking. It seemed odd that her tiny legs could carry her so quickly.

Finsen led me to an extravagantly carved door and said, ‘When you go through door head straight to seat by Great Mighty One.”

With that I was shoved unceremoniously into a silent ballroom with chairs scattered throughout and food and plates hanging midair. Lastly my eyes landed on the Doctor, who still looked the exact same as before, and I made my way over to him.

I sat down besides the Doctor and conversation between the Shloog began instantly. I decided to ignore them as the Doctor began to speak, “In a moment a Shloog will come by and ask you what you want to eat. Make sure you tell him you’re good and don’t need anything at the moment.”

My curiosity flared and I said, “I will but why do I have to, is it poisoned or something?”

Surprisingly the Doctor’s neck and face flushed red as he mumbled, “It’s nothing except their food has a different chemical makeup then what we’re used to. Let it suffice to say that if it affects humans even similar to the way it affects timelords then it won’t be anywhere near pretty.”

“Okay now you have to tell me this story,” I told the Doctor as a little Shloog came up and offered me something that looked like jelly. “No thanks,” I told it before turning back to the Doctor who had returned to his normal color. I poked him in the shoulder and pleaded, “Come on, you tell can me.”

However I had lost the Doctor’s attention; I followed his gaze and saw he was looking at a Shloog’s white neck ring. Or what used to what used to be a white neck ring and was now grey and slowly getting darker and darker.  I looked around the room and saw that every single Shloog was standing stock still as the same thing happened to the ring around their necks.

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