Chapter 18

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Chapter Eighteen

"Alright I'll set the controls to one." The Doctor told us cheerfully, "How about you go get some rest while I work."

"See you tomorrow Doctor," Jack said leading Ianto towards their bedroom.

When I came out of my room the next morning I saw something perfectly normal, Ianto leaning against a door frame talking to Jack. What alerted me to the change was what he was saying, "It's a bit weird up here you look like a bloody giant."

"Did you suit up already?" I inquired. When he nodded in replied I pouted, "Damn I wanted to see that."

Jack winked at me as he said, "It was pretty interesting to watch if you know what I mean,"

"Ignore him," Ianto demanded, "All that happened was him staring at my arse."

"Please, don't tell me I don't want to know," I informed them before ducking into the kitchen in search of the Doctor.

"Are we taking Ianto back today?" I asked wrapping my arms around his neck and seating myself in his lap as he sipped on a mug of tea.

He nodded and ran fingers through my hair before telling me, "Once we've dropped him off we're going to jump ahead to the day he dies or you know doesn't die. That way we can get him out of the Teselecta before they bury it."

I helped myself to a quick breakfast before heading back into the control room where everybody had already moved to. The Doctor was fiddling with something while Ianto watched Jack show off how many pushups he could do.

"Are you ready to go?" I asked even though I knew none of us would ever really be ready to risk Ianto's life.

The man in question ripped his eyes away from the captain and said, "Yeah whenever they are."

Jack pulled a face at his lover and I laughingly said, "Yeah I know they are being really slow."

The Doctor who had been coming up behind me grabbed my waist and whispered into my ear, "Now that isn't very nice." Then he raised his head to talk out loud, "I'm ready whenever you are Jack."

The World War II veteran scoffed and grumbled, "We were all out here waiting on Rose not me."

I danced away from the Doctor and pulled down the lever to take us back to Ianto's flat the night we'd left shouting, "Well let's get going then."

I let out a gleeful chuckle as everybody besides me fell down on their bums having been unprepared for the TARDIS's sudden movement.

"That's what you get for saying that its my fault that we hadn't left yet." I told Jack.

The men stood up and Ianto gave me a dirty look saying, "Was it necessary to knock us all down I could've helped you find another way to get back at him."

I turned my nose up slightly and hummed, "I'm sure you did something to deserve it."

Everybody laughed and then Ianto pulled my into a tight hug whispering, "Love you, I'll see you soon"

"Yeah we're going to go get you from the UNIT morgue right after we drop you off here," I informed him.

Ianto pulled away from me with a small smile and made his way over to the Doctor with an extended hand, "Thank you for everything."

It was no problem," The Doctor told him with a serious expression that looked out of place on his face. "We'll see you soon Ianto."

Ianto then grabbed Jack by the hand and began to lead him off into his flat saying, "I'll return him in a moment."

Once the two of them had left to say their goodbyes I hugged the Doctor's waist asking, "Do you think Ianto will be okay?"

"Yeah," the Doctor reassured me. "The suit will knock him unconscious to preserve air when he's poisoned but that should be the only thing that will happen to him."

"You're sure?" I asked my voice wavering, "I just got him back I can't lose him again."

"I'm sure," The Doctor said kissing my forehead. "Your brother is going to be just fine."

Before I could reply Jack came back in looking somber and said, "Come on lets go get Ianto back."

I reluctantly stepped out of the Doctor's warm embrace nodding and let my Lover head to the center of the TARDIS where he set her to take us to retrieve Ianto.

As the TARDIS bumped down into place The Doctor finished fiddling with the knobs and said, "I managed to make the TARDIS invisible so that nobody knows we're here. Let's go."

I took a deep breath and turned to Jack in order to ask, "Are you ready?"

"Yeah," Jack answered steeling himself, "Let's go get him."

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