Chapter 6

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                                        Chapter Six

The Doctor clapped his hands together and ushered us out the door saying, “Come on we can’t be late to this. It’s said to be one of the best Anti-grav Olympics to have ever happened.”

I sat through the games not really paying attention because I was still thinking about what Ianto had told me. I was appalled when my thoughts led me to discover that what he’d said had some truth to it. The Doctor must have sensed something was wrong because after a while he gripped my hand reassuringly.

Ianto didn’t look affected in the slightest by our talk. He carried on a completely normal conversation with Jack as if he’d never thought about the fact that they could never really be together.  As I watched them interact I realized that anything could happen at any time and you should spend as time as possible with you loved one.  So I turned away from my thoughts and towards my darling Doctor.

Finally, I began to watch the Olympics and gasped at the antics of someone on an anti-grav bike. “Wow,” I said completely awed by the display. “That’s amazing.”

The Doctor leaned over and his breath tickled my ear as he said, “If you’d been watching you’d know that’s one of the least impressive performances we’ve seen.”

I stuck my tongue out at him before focusing on the games again not wanting to miss any of the proceedings. It ended all too quickly and I was slightly shocked by the fact nothing went wrong seeing as how with him I’d only been on one other trip like that.

After the games ended we stood there chatting with each other and other fans until rain came pouring down.  I watched Jack grab Ianto’s hand and pull him to the TARDIS until I felt the Doctor doing the same to me. Laughing we all stumbled inside and the Doctor set it to take us back to the Hub at eight pm so Ianto and Jack could check the rift before going to bed.

Once we landed I hugged Jack and kissed his cheek so it wouldn’t look as odd when I did it to Ianto. When I walked back over to the Doctor he did the oddest thing and wrapped his arm around my waist.  

“We’ll come visit again in about three weeks time.” I said causing the Doctor to sputter an argument which I cut off with a dark glare that said nothing he did would change my mind.

Ianto gave a soft smile and said, “See you then.” Before linking an arm through Jack’s and leading him out of the TARDIS.

After the door shut the Doctor turned his pout onto me and asked, “Any particular reason we planned to see them?”

I smiled amused by the layer of disgust that coated the word planned and replied, “I already told you Doctor. Ianto and I are going to be great friends and how can we do that if we don’t see one another?”

The Doctor huffed before inquiring, “When you say three weeks do you mean for them or for us?”

“Well I don’t know Doctor,” I told him, “We’ll just have to see how busy we are in three weeks.”

“So where do you want to go first?” He asked. “We never did get to go to the planet of Barcelona. Ooo or we could go back to Raxicoricofallipitorious that was a nice trip.”

“Let’s just o wherever he TARDIS takes us. You know how she is.” I said my eyes twinkling.

“One Random place coming up,” The Doctor exclaimed as he pulled down a random lever. “Hold that button there down.”

I did as he said and didn’t release the button until the TARDIS roughly slammed into the ground.  Unlike before I was not warned about how rough the landing would be and ended up being sling-shoted into the Doctor’s lap. I could feel the TARDIS’s smugness as I crawled away with a faint blush.

As I pulled myself off of him the Doctor stood back up and went to a monitor to try and see outside.

“So Doctor any clue where we are?” I asked as he tapped on the screen that wouldn’t pull up an image.

“None,” He grinned. “Want to go see?”

            I could tell he already knew how I would respond because he started to make his way to the door. I pouted internally a bit the fact that he could read me so well but hurried over to him anyway.

            “Ladies first,” He told me and bowed before opening up the TARDIS doors to let me out.

            “Why thank you.” I told him giving a mock curtsey before dancing out of the door and straight into the arms of the waiting alien.


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