Chapter 4

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                  A/N Slight Gwen bashing this chapter nothing to bad             

   Chapter Four

Eventually Ianto stopped walking and declared, “We can talk here, CCTV blind spot.”

            “So Jack doesn’t know?” was the first thing out of my mouth. “Why don’t you tell him? I mean he is your lover.”   

            “Same reason I didn’t tell Torchwood One.  He puts saving the world and Torchwood first I just couldn’t risk him knowing about you.  If I could have it my way he wouldn’t know about Rhiannon and the kids either.” Ianto sighed and tacked on one more sentence, “It’s safer for everyone this way, Torchwood kills.”

            “Not all the time Ianto,” I replied shaking my head, “What’s happened to you?”

            Ianto just gave me that sad little smile of his causing me to wrap my arms around his neck.  When I finally released him we began our trek back towards the hub.

            “So tell me all about your relationship with Jack,” I demanded linking my arm with his.

            My eyes narrowed as I watched Ianto give a slightly bitter smile, “It’s nothing Owen was right I’m just a part time shag. He’s hopelessly in love with Gwen. In fact the only reason he asked me out on the date was to get back in my good graces so I’d work with him. We never went on it.”

            “I’ve seen how he looks at you Ianto,” I told him. “No way he’s in love with Gwen, and you probably never went out because you have no free time.”

            It doesn’t matter anyway. We could never have a real relationship.” Ianto informed me.  “Even if I lived past Torchwood I’d die of old age and he’d just keep going on.”

            Not liking the turn our conversation had take I asked, “You’ll tell Rhiannon about me right?”

            Ianto held the door of the tourist shop open for me as he answered, “Of course I will she’d kill me if she found out any other way.”

            Slowly we made our way down to the hub only to be greeted by a very impatient Doctor and Jack.

            Jack swept Ianto into a kiss before whispering into his ear, “The Doctor invited us for one trip we’re going to head off once Gwen arrives.”

            Ianto, ever the practical one looked up at Jack and said, “We can’t leave one person isn’t enough to man the hub.”

Jack must have anticipated this reaction from him because he said, “I already checked rift predictions for today and we’re clear.”

            “Okay then,” Ianto sighed turning to the Doctor, “when and where are we going to?”

            “Ooo, he’s a clever one I like him.” The Doctor told me before answering Ianto, “The first Anti-grav Olympics, Rose and I never did get to go.”

            Suddenly I remembered a conversation I’d had with Ianto about that far back in the past.  I looked over at him and made eye contact then knowing we were both thinking about the same event burst into laughter.

            “What, what’s so funny?” the doctor asked thinking we were laughing about him.

            “Inside joke.” I gasped out not thinking about the fact that we weren’t supposed to know each other that well.

            “How on Earth do you already have one? Your walk was only ten minutes long.” The Doctor said appearing to be baffled.

            Luckily Jack was inadvertently saved us by stating, “Trust me with Ianto anything is possible.”

            Jack then winked at Ianto causing him to flush bright red. However before I could ask what was going on the hub doors rolled open and in walked a young woman who I could only assume was Gwen.

            “Gwen.” Jack called his grin widening at the prospect of being able to leave now. I knew though that Ianto would just take it as more evidence that Jack was in love with her.

            Apparently Gwen took it that way to her entire face lightening when she caught sight of Jack. That was enough for me to step in on Ianto’s behalf.

            “Hello, I’m Rose! This here is the Doctor I’m sure you recognize him. Anyway we’re going to borrow Jack and Ianto for awhile, you should get the back sometime later today.

            “Rose?” she asked looking shocked. “Rose is a blond and she’s stuck in another universe.”

            “Yeah” I breathed, “It’s a long story but essentially I’m back and I’ve got read hair now, got it? Now the real question is why all of you bring up my change in hair color I already noticed it you don’t have to tell me.”

            “Um I don’t know.” Gwen said looking at Jack for reassurance.

            “Bye.” I told her grabbing Jack’s ear and towing him behind me into the TARDIS. No way was I going to let him make a stupid move and hurt his relationship with Ianto even more.


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