Chapter 2

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A/N: I haven’t watched Doctor Who in awhile so I can’t remember if Rose knew about Jack’s immortality but for my purposes she doesn’t

                                                                                Chapter Two

I groaned and flipped onto my side only to be greeted with the Doctor’s worried expression.  A cursory glance around revealed that I was in the TARDIS’s med bay.  My eyes were still a little warm so I blinked them rapidly to get rid of the discomfort.

“What happened?” I groaned one hand instinctively seeking the Doctor’s while one covered my eyes from the harsh lighting.

The Doctor squeezed my hand and answered me, “The TARDIS spoke to me through you, and apparently you’re a timelord.”

“So I’ve what regenerated?”  I asked. “Suppose that’s as good of an answer as any other.”

The Doctor raised his brows and demanded of me, “Aren’t you going to ask why or how?”

“No,” I told him. “I’m assuming that it has something to do with traveling with you. It does doesn’t it?”

The Doctor smiled at me with a proud look in his eyes and said, “Your right of course.”

I grinned with the tip of my tongue between my teeth and said, “I always am,” before turning to a more serious note. “Does this mean that you accept that I’m Rose?”

The Doctor laughed and said, “Well, if I’d doubted it before that grin of yours would have set me straight.

“So what am I supposed to do now I doubt that anyone I know is still alive if it’s been a hundred years.” I told the Doctor.

“Actually in this universe you’ve only been gone for a month or so the only real problem is that you look different.  That wouldn’t matter though if you wanted to just, I don’t know travel with me again.”  The Doctor said rushing at the end.

“I’d love to travel with you, Doctor. I just wasn’t sure if you’d want that too. I do have one request though, can we go see Jack?  I just want to see one more familiar face and he’d be the most likely to accept that I’m me if you told him.”  In my head I tacked on, also Jack believing is probably the only way I can make Ianto believe he’s always looked up to that boss of his.

The Doctor looked at me sheepishly and said, “Yeah about that we didn’t necessarily part on the best of terms.”

I had been making my way to my old room when he said this causing me to stop and fold my arms while glaring at him.

 “Doctor, what did you do?” I asked knowing from the look on his face it wasn’t Jack’s fault this time.

He looked at the floor as we walked towards my room and finally mumbled, “It was nothing just a little argument we’ll patch it up when we go to visit.”

“Doctor,” I warned while narrowing my eyes at him.

We had reached my old room by now and the Doctor leaned up against the door frame exclaiming, “Fine, fine.  Did you hear about the year that never was and what happened to Jack during it?”

“I’ve heard about it but not Jack’s part in it.” I told him wondering how that could have caused them to fall out.

“Then it isn’t my right to tell you. Ask Jack about it then I’ll give you my version of our row.” The Doctor told me in a tone that suggested it was the end of the discussion.

I nodded and he walked back to the TARDIS control room presumably to take us to Torchwood.  I walked into my room heading straight for the closet only to discover that my clothes would not fit my new body properly, I was a good three inches taller now.  Thankfully the TARDIS understood my dilemma and moved herself around so the Doctor’s costume closet was in front of me.  I walked inside and found a pair of jeans and a jumper my size before stripping my old clothes off. 

I left my room and went over to the Doctor who told me, “Come then off to Torchwood.”   He pressed great big button and we took off the TARDIS lurching around. However I was able to anticipate most of her movements and remain upright.

“Neat trick,” The Doctor grinned before announcing where we were and swinging the door open, “Torchwood Three a month after you left.”

I laughed still giddy about travelling with the Doctor again. Turning to face the open door I was greeted by a gun in my face. The man holding the gun had a red flushed face and was wearing what looked to be the remains of a suit though the jacket and tie were strewn out on the floor behind him.  It took me a moment to realize who he was but I almost laughed for joy when I did.

“Come on Ianto, that’s just one of the Doctor’s companions. Don’t you recognize the Doctor?” A familiar voice said and as Ianto lowered his gun I looked over to see Jack buttoning his pants then reaching for his shirt.

“Jack I’ve missed you so much!” I exclaimed completely forgetting that he wouldn’t recognize me.

Ianto decided to exercise his dry wit and said, “Yes I’m sure you have. I know for a fact that Jack’s missed you too.”

I chuckled at Ianto and again when Jack ignored Ianto and smoothly said, “Hello. “

“Don’t start!” Ianto and the Doctor said at the same time resulting in a neat little smile between the two of them.

“I was just saying hello.” Jack pouted. Ianto rolled his eyes before whispering something in Jack’s ear that made him snap to attention and rake his eyes down Ianto’s body.

The Welshman then turned to me and said, “Apparently I can’t depend on these daft sods for any information.  What’d you say your name is?”

My mouth opened the closed as I looked appealingly at the Doctor who gestured at the couch saying, “It’s a long story perhaps we should sit down for it.”

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