Chapter 15

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Chapter Fifteen

My smile grew even wider when the Doctor realized what they were talking about and he shouted, “Oh no, none of that in the TARDIS.”

The next morning I woke up curled against the Doctor’s chest. Idly I wondered whether or not I should get out of bed nut the choice was taken from me when the Doctor kissed my forehead and left the room after whispering, “Come on Rose time to get to work.”

Slowly I crawled my way out of the bed and made my way to the room I knew everyone was gathered in. Once I arrived I asked,”Where are we going?”

Jack stopped stuffing his face with sausage just long enough to reply, “It’s this planet called Piforus we’re going to break in to the king’s bedroom and steal his spare equipment.”

Giving a yawn I nodded as Ianto passed me a cup of hot coffee. “Okay then, are we going after breakfast?”

“Yes,” The Doctor declared, “Can’t go before that would mean skipping out on the most important meal of the day.”

I mumbled an answer and we all finished eating in silence; as excited as we were about going to this new planet we were also extremely anxious about whether or not this would save Ianto.

Jack and Ianto had just finished eating and were beginning to engage in a quiet conversation when the Doctor yelled, “Rose, we’re going now you might want to hold onto something.”

I ignored his warning and made my way over to him knowing that the TARDIS would warn me of any turbulence. Once I reached the timelord I grabbed him warm hand knowing it would reassure me.

When the TARDIS landed the Doctor pulled some blueprints onto a screen and told us, “Right about now the king should be in his throne room discussing things with his lords meaning his bedroom where he stores everything is empty. To get there we take a right, another right, a left and then it is the first door on the left.”

“Got it,” Ianto said adopting his professional aura as he straightened out his suit. I rolled my eyes and headed to the door as Jack checked out my brother.

“Allonsy,” the Doctor cried and the TARDIS doors swung open.

The four of us began our trip to the king’s bedroom moving as quietly as possible. We made it to the empty room without any incidents and began to search the room. Ianto, Jack, and the Doctor all chose a corner of the room to go investigate and I took the one that hadn’t been chosen.

I was looking at everything in my area until I heard Ianto call out, “Is this it?”

I spun around to see the Doctor investigating a small black box with a little green button.

Jack spoke then and crushed all of our hopes, “That’s it but it’s broken and none of have the skill to fix it. The only people we could go to work for the king.”

Before anyone could say anything we heard a door open and a low voice yelled, “Intruders! Intruders in the King’s room”

We all shared a look before dropping everything in our hands and sprinting for the door opposite of the guard.

As we sprinted down the hall with guards trailing behind us I realized that we’d exited through a different door than we’d entered through. “Where is the TARDIS from here?”

Jack and the Doctor both yelled something along the lines of, “I don’t know,” and I looked at Ianto and seeing his face knew that he was recalling the blueprints with his photographic memory.

Right before we reached another split in the hall way Ianto recalled the TARDIS’s location and yelled, “To the right go right here. She’s off to the right.”

Seeing as how we had no other ideas we all did as Ianto told us to. However when we rounded the corner we got cut off by the king’s guard materializing in front of us.

“What now?” Ianto asked but I couldn’t tell who the question was directed at.

“We fight!” Jack stated a fierce look on his face as he unholstered a gun from his thigh.

“No guns,” snapped the Doctor. “We aren’t in America.”

The soldiers were about ten feet away when Ianto asked, “Rose, call you bring the TARDIS to us or something Bad Wolfy?”

“I don’t know!” I cried. “I’ve never tried I don’t know how.”

The Doctor must have had an idea because he yelled, “Concentrate on how scared you are and how much you need her.”

As I did as he had said the Doctor instructed everyone to grab a hold of me and we disappeared into a burst of golden light just as the king’s men reached where we had been standing.


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