Chapter 13

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Chapter Thirteen

Ianto pulled away from Jack but kept on arm and around his waist. “Well,” he began, “judging by the passionate greeting and the fact that they know we’re related, and I only saw you a few hours ago, you guys are from the future aren’t you?”

I nodded mutely but internally I was grinning from the knowledge that Ianto was going to mutter angrily in welsh like he always did when something bothered him.

“Wrth gwrs” He said in an irritated tone. “What happens? It’s obvious something does otherwise you lot wouldn’t be here.”

“You die.” The Doctor said as gently as possible to avoid shocking Ianto, he needn’t have bothered.

“Okay but why would you come back in time for that?” Ianto said as he was stating the obvious.

Instead of answering the Doctor cut off Jack’s exclamation and inquired, “Why aren’t you shocked or even curious about how you die?”

Ianto snorted and told him, “Doctor, I work for Torchwood it has been a long time coming. In fact I expected to die younger right now all that is surprising me is you lot standing in my flat in order to warn me or whatever it is you’re up to. I know you can’t save everyone Rose told me about her seeing father.”

Jack finally piped up and eased the tension by saying, “Rose here snogged him into it but I would’ve if I had to.”

“Did not,’ I protested as Ianto’s eyes found mine and I flushed a dark red. Fortunately the Doctor drew attention from me by speaking again.

“Even if she hadn’t, we would have come and saved you. I mean your death was a major disturbance in the timelines. Once we’ve fixed that we’ll have to take you into the future past where Jack meets up with us just to avoid a paradox.”

“Wait,” Jack said catching our attention. “How did his death mess the timelines up so bad you never told us.”

“I don’t know.” The Doctor told us looking extremely worried. “I don’t like not knowing but I’m afraid it can’t be helped right now.”

“The TARDIS doesn’t know why either. She can tell he is the disturbance but she can’t figure out why.” I told them.

“Huh,” Ianto muttered. “Good thing I’m not actually going to die then. About that what’d you say your plan to save me was?”

I looked at Jack, because he was the one who knew how Ianto died, only to see he was looking at the Doctor for an idea. Figuring that they must have talked while I was locked in my room I turned to look also.

The Doctor’s color went red as he began to talk, “Well you died from an airborne poison by that the 456 released so we’ve got to find out a way to keep it from reaching your lungs while simultaneously making you appear dead.”

It went silent for a moment before Ianto spoke in a dry tone, “You have no idea what to do now do you?”

We all wordlessly shook our heads as Jack and I hid our smiles from him.

“Trust you guys to be unprepared!” he huffed. “Don’t know what I expected out of the two of you but Rose I had faith in.”

“What Ianto, no faith in me? I’m offended!” Jack told him getting a small pout on his lips.

Ianto winked at his lover and said, “I know sir,” before kissing him on the lips.

“Now none of that,” The Doctor whined at them, “Rose and I are still here.”

“Doctor let Jack have some time with Ianto. He just spent months thinking he was dead.” I demanded.

Ianto blushed and pulled away from the Captain in order to return to business, I’d rather not time travel if I can help it I’ve got a bad feeling about that. Maybe there are some other planets we could try first.”

“What do you mean you have a bad feeling?” Jack asked. “Most people would be excited at the prospect of time travel.”

“Normally I would be.” Ianto told him. “However I just don’t think we should this time.”

I surprised both of them by saying, “He’s right no time travel. That feeling he has is his emphatic abilities picking up on what the TARDIS is feeling.”

The Doctor took a long look at my brother as he grinned, “Wow, you must have pretty strong emphatic abilities in order to hear the TARDIS without trying. Did she reach out to you first?”

Sighing Ianto leaned back into Jacks embrace and said, “I don’t know. I didn’t even know we made contact.”

I decided to answer the Doctor for Ianto, “She said she made first contact but he would’ve soon enough. Something about him fascinates her but she won’t tell me what.”

“Hmm,” The Doctor hummed.

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