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jaebum hyung

today, 10:55

> did u kill him yet?

Chan looked over at Jeongin who was happily watching some romcom and sighed.

no he got away <

> bang chan let someone get away ?!
> shocking
> meet me at hq later today

k <

"Jeongin, let's go upstairs and change your bandages now." Chan said and began to walk to the stairs.

Jeongin just nodded and followed.

"So, do your parents know where you are?" Chan asked as he was wrapping his head.


"Does your friend at least know?"


"Shouldn't you tell them?" He questions and finished the bandage.

"Hyung, my phone smashed when you hit me." Jeongin giggled.

"Oh- sorry about that."

*ding dong*

"Who the fuck is it now." Chan mumbled standing up.

"Jeongin stay in this room, do not leave." He said and began walking away.

The younger just nodded and watched as the older left the room and closed the door.

Chan opened the door and came face to face with Changbin.

"What do you want?" He asked irritated.

"I heard you let forty-five get away." Changbin smirked and invited himself into the house.

"How do you know about that?"

"I was just at hq, Jaebum told me." The younger said then sat down on the couch.

"Fucking Jaebum." Chan rolled his eyes and followed Changbin in.

"So what do you want?" Chan asked, leaning against the wall.

"Your case is open now, so anyone who wants the forty-five can kill him." Changbin smirked yet again.

"The fuck? No it's my case." Chan replied.

"Not anymore, the client doesn't want to wait any longer so whoever can kill the target the fastest can get the money."

"Shit, this is bad, really fucking bad."

"You'll probably get the case done in no time though, you're like the best at the company anyways." Changbin sighed.

*ring ring*

"Sorry, one sec." Changbin said then answers his phone. "Yeah baby?- Alright.- Coming."

"Gotta go, Hyunjin wants me." Changbin said getting up.

Chan just nodded and watched the younger leave the house.

He went back upstairs to Jeongin. He opened the door and saw the younger sitting on the bed.

"Chan hyung?" Jeongin mumbled as he walked into the room.

"Sorry, to just keep you in here like this." Chan said.

"It's alright." He said.

"Channie hyung,"


"What's forty-five and why does everyone want it?" He asked.

"How do you know-"

"Maybe I was eavesdropping a little bit." Jeongin said with a small smile.

"Nothing you need to know about and something I won't let them have." Chan smiled and patted the younger's head.


you already know I had to add some changjin in here 🤪

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