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"So, are we going to the party?"

Chan looked at Jeongin who he just picked up from school sit down in the passenger seat of the car.

"What party?" Chan said.

"The company party. Hyunjin and his boyfriend are going. Let's go too."

"Jeongin, you can't go to that." Chan replied then started the car to drive away.

"Hyung, whyyyy?!" Jeongin whined.

"First of all, clubs really aren't for you. Second, I don't even want to go." He replied. "But I'm probably gonna have to because it's for the company, but you stay home."

"Hyung! How do you know clubs aren't for me! We went to the club before! You're just gonna leave me home alone while you go out and have fun?"

"That's different, it was for work. If you want you can bring your friends over or go to theirs or something."

"Ugh." Jeongin huffed and folded his arms. "Is it because Hyunjin is going and you don't want me to get close to him...?"

"Well I mean, I don't care if you get close to Hyunjin." Chan said. "I think his boyfriend would care more than me." He mumbled.

Jeongin pretended like he didn't hear that last part, but he did.

This was just more clues to support his case on finding out why the hell everyone says Hyunjin's boyfriend was bad and preventing them from meeting.

Today he found out that Hyunjin's boyfriend was a hitman, and would care if they got close to each other. Not really sure what this would lead up too, but it would probably be useful information later.

"Well anyways, you said I can come with you to work today, right?" Jeongin said.

"Yeah, if you really want-"

"Yes. I really do." He smiled.

The older laughed. "Alright."

"Innie, what's taking you so long?" Chan called.

"I'm coming!" Jeongin yelled and came running down the stairs.

"I was just getting something, I'm ready, let's go."

The two of them got into the car then headed out to where they needed to go.

"Alright, so you're gonna go up to this guy and pretend like you wanna buy some drugs off him. Then I'll shoot. Kind of like last time. Pretty simple."

"You better stop and piss before we get there so you don't need to go at the most inconvenient time." Jeongin said and folded his arms.

"Don't worry, I don't need to." Chan laughed.

They arrived at the sketchy side of town where most of the people are drug or alcohol addicts. The same place where the club they went to last time was.

Chan stopped the car in front of a big building.

"Okay Innie, go behind that building, he should be waiting for you. I set up a fake meeting with a burner phone. Your name is Jung Yikyung."

"A-Alright." Jeongin said then opened the door.

Not that he was terrified, but he was a tad bit scared going behind this building, but he couldn't complain. He was the one who asked Chan to come. Chan didn't force him to be there.

He slowly walks behind the building and sees a slim looking guy (who looks like he just injected five shots of smack into himself) sitting on what looks like a garbage can.

"Jung Yikyung?" He said.

"Yeah, that's me."

"You're young. Didn't expect a delinquent." The guy said. "What did you ask for?"

"Shit." Jeongin didn't even know what he 'asked for' because Chan was the one who talked to him.

"I think it was-"

Before Jeongin could finish his sentence, the guy got up, grabbed his wrist and flipped him around so he was facing the opposite direction. He ducked down and hid behind him.

Jeongin came face to face with Chan pointing his gun at him.

"Is this guy using me as a shield?!" Jeongin thought.

"Shit." Chan mumbled. His finger was dangerously close to pulling the trigger.

"I knew this was a set up!" The guy yelled from behind Jeongin. "If you shoot, you'll shoot your little sidekick."

Chan's palms turned sweaty. He couldn't shoot Jeongin, he needed to find a way to get the younger out of the way.

It's not like Jeongin could run away because that guy has a death grip on his wrist.

"I can't shoot Jeongin, there's no way." Chan thought.

"I can't shoot him..."

"I just can't."

"Or can I..?"

If he killed Jeongin right now he would get forty-five grand and an extra five for this guy.

Well, he was supposed to kill Jeongin in the first place. No one said don't kill him but himself.

So why hasn't he killed him yet?

Why hasn't he gotten forty-five thousand dollars yet?

Why is he trying to hard to protect him from everyone else who wants to kill him?

While Chan's thoughts were going crazy, Jeongin realized the older wasn't going to make a move anytime soon, so he struggled and reached into his jacket with his free hand.

He pulled out a knife and swung his arm backwards into the guy, without even aiming where it would hit.

Thankfully it hit his stomach and he fell to the ground, but Jeongin stabbed him one more time, just to make sure he was dead.

Chan put his gun down and watched in shock.

"W-where did you get that knife from?"

"The room upstairs, silly." Jeongin giggled. "Let's go home now, hyung." He smiled then skipped to the car.

Chan watched and he swore he could feel his heart soften at the sight of the younger.

"That's why you haven't killed him."


this is my longest part my thumbs hurt

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