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sungie !

today 16:24

jisung <

> hyunjin

i'm gonna tell you something right now <
don't be too shocked ok? <

> what is it

did you know... <

> ???

jeongin is a target <

> yes i know

Hyunjin gasped at his phone. How come Jisung knew this entire time and didn't even bother telling him.

so why didn't u tell me ? <

> i tried to before

well you didn't try hard enough <

> stfu yeah i did

whatever <
so here's what i need to ask <

> what ?

why are chan and jeongin dating <
if chan is gonna kill jeongin ?<

> i have no idea but i don't think he wants to kill jeongin anymore that's for sure

are you sure he isn't dating him just so killing him can be easier? <

> chan isn't like that
> have you seen them together
> you can tell they like each other

why is jeongin a target tho? wtf did he do? <

> it's not him
> it's his dad
> i asked minho if he could find out why but it's really hard
> these guys are super secretive

ohh <
should we tell jeongin? <

> idk

"No, you shouldn't."

Hyunjin jumps at the voice he just heard and looks behind him to see Changbin looking over his shoulder reading their conversation.

"Oh- babe. When did you get home?" He asked.

"Just now." The older replied then walked over and sat down beside him on the couch. "Don't tell Jeongin."


"If Jeongin needed to know, Chan would've told him already." Changbin replied. "I have no idea what he's planning. He could be keeping it a secret just to protect him."

"Hmm. I guess." Hyunjin shrugged.

"And also, I think Jeongin shouldn't come to Japan." Changbin sighed.

"What why?"

"Because his parents are there."

"Hyung, gonna have to cancel our plans, I have something to do." Jeongin said into his phone as he walks back to his house from the park.

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