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Chan walked into the company building and honestly, he was really tired.

He wished he could stay home and watch that stupid romcom that Jeongin loves together with him.

The building wasn't really big, it was quite small. Only about five floors. The company was technically illegal, so it couldn't be a big ass building that draws attention.

He scanned the wall that has all the open cases posted and sighs when he sees Jeongin's profile there.

"Why are you looking at open cases when you haven't even killed yours yet?"

Chan looks to his right and sees Jaebum standing there right beside him.

"Can't you mind your own business hyung?" Chan said and rolled his eyes.

"What's taking you so long?" Jaebum asked and leaned on his shoulder. "This is the longest you've ever taken."

"So you think you could do it faster, hyung?"

"No, that's why I gave it to you." He sighed. "And he's eighteen, I know I'm a hitman and not really supposed to care about who I kill but seventeen's a little too young for me."

Chan just stayed quiet and tuned Jaebum out while he talked. All he could think about was what the hell he was going to do to prevent Jeongin from getting killed.

"-but I mean, try to hurry up before everyone is after forty-five."

"Oh yeah everyone like Changbin." Chan said irritated and turned to face the older.

"He told you?" Jaebum asked.

"Of course he told me, he came straight to my house after. Why can't you keep your mouth shut?" He rolled his eyes yet again.

"Sorry Channie." He laughed.

"Yeah, whatever." Chan mumbled then walked away.

"Jeongin, I'm home."

As soon as Jeongin heard the older's voice, he came running down the stairs and gave him a hug.

"Channie hyung! I missed you..."He mumbled into his chest.

"Were you bored all day?" Chan laughed and Jeongin nodded his head.

"If you were so bored, why don't you go to school tomorrow?"

"I don't know, I don't really feel like going..."

"You already missed a day, you're going." Chan said then proceeded to walk into the house.

"Hyung~" Jeongin whined then followed.

Chan turned around to face him. "Don't whine, I'm not gonna fall for it."

Jeongin pouted then folded his arms.

"Cute." "I'll drop you off and pick you up." Chan said and smiled. He couldn't risk Jeongin walking to and from school alone.

"Oh and one more thing." He remembered. "Try not to hang out with Hyunjin too much, please?"

"You too? Why? Is it because his boyfriend is bad?" Jeongin rolled his eyes.

"Yes that's exactly why." Chan said. "Who else said to stay away from him?"

"Seungmin did. I don't know why you guys are like this, Hyunjin is so sweet." Jeongin said.

Chan really hoped Hyunjin didn't tell his boyfriend that he saw Jeongin at his house.

But then again if he did, Changbin would have already come and talked to him- or tried to kill Jeongin.

"Please Innie," Chan said and grabbed the younger's hand.

"I guess."

After school, Jisung, Seungmin and Felix went to the cafe.

No one was really in there, so they sat at a table with Woojin.

"I just texted Jeongin and now he's leaving me on read." Seungmin sighed then put his head down on the table.

"Is he going to school tomorrow?" Woojin asked.

"I'm not sure, he hasn't answered me yet."

"Did he say anything about him and Hyunjin?" Felix said.

"No." Seungmin sighed.

Just then someone else walked into the cafe and Jisung's face lit up as soon as he saw who it was.

"Minho hyung!" He said and stood up.

"Oh, hey baby." The guy smiled and Jisung walked up to him.

"What are you doing here?" Jisung asked.

"I was on my way home and decided to get something. Do you want to come with?" Minho asked.

"Right now?"



Minho ordered his drink and Jisung went back to the table to get his stuff.

The three of them watched astonished as the couple left the cafe and got into Minho's car.

"That's Minho?" Felix said.

"I didn't know they were dating, Jisung only mentioned him like twice." Seungmin replied.

"Well this Minho guy seems to be loaded." Woojin said. "He was wearing all designer clothes and drives a Ferrari." He laughed.

"I wonder how they met." Felix said, turning to Seungmin.

"I do too."


how old do u think i am ?

also I didn't re-read so sorry for typos

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