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"Jeongin, wait! We were supposed to hang out today, remember?"

Jeongin turns around and sees his other wrist being grabbed by Jisung.

"We were?" Jeongin asked. He could feel the grips the two had on both of his wrists get tighter.

"Yeah, over at mine." Jisung said and glared at Jaebum.

"But Chan told me to get him." Jaebum glared back.

"But were hanging out so let go." Jisung said.

"You little bitch-"

"Let go before I tell my boyfriend you were being an ass to me and you lose your job."

"Yeah right, how could you-"

Jisung wasn't playing. He whipped out his phone and called Minho right away.

Jeongin just watched in amusement being in between the two of them.

Minho answered in like .2 seconds, so Jisung put his phone on speaker for them to hear.

"Babe..." Jisung said.

"Yes baby?"

"This guy is being an asshole to me and calling me mean names, I think you should fire him..."

"Who is it, princess?"


"Stop-" Jaebum's eyes widen in shock when he finally recognized the voice on the other line and lets go of Jeongin's wrist immediately.

Jisung smirks. "Actually it's okay now, love you. See you tonight." He said then ends the call.

"You're Minho's boyfriend." Jaebum scoffed.

"Glad we finally established that, now fuck off."

Jaebum mumbled something incoherent then walked away.

Jisung sighed then finally let go of the younger's wrist.

"What was that all about?" Jeongin asked.

"Don't go near that guy okay?" Jisung said, ignoring what Jeongin asked.

Just then Chan's black Lamborghini came pulling up to their school.

"You should get going now." The older sighed.

"Okay, bye Jisung hyung." Jeongin waved then went over to Chan's car.

In the car, Jeongin explained everything that happened just now and Chan didn't seem too happy with it.

"Are you okay now though?" He asked.

"Yeah I was fine this whole time." Jeongin shrugged.

"You can stay home from school tomorrow if you want." Chan said.

"Yay! Thanks Channie hyung."

"Hmm." Chan replied.

Jeongin looked at the older then looked out the window. He could tell he was pissed (and to be honest he looked very hot) but he wasn't quite sure why.

kim woojin (pedestrian you almost hit)

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