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"Forty-five was inside my house this morning, my fucking house." Changbin said as he sat down in front of Chan to bother him while he was eating lunch like he always does.

"Why was he there?!" He asked.

"I don't know, something about makeup. But that's not the point." Changbin said. "The point is, he was in my house and I was going to kill him- but I didn't."

"And why didn't you?" Chan asked, genuinely curious and very thankful he didn't.

"I'm gonna wait a few more days till the week is up so I can get seventy-five, and cause Jinnie was standing right there." Changbin said and leaned on the table.

"Shit, I forgot next week he's seventy-five." "What are you going to do about Hyunjin, hmm?" Chan asked.

"I haven't thought about that."


"What?" He said and folded his arms.

"Do you even love him?!" Chan questioned.

"Of course I do, what kind of question is that?!"

"Just asking, because if you really do love him you would be thinking about his feelings. Forty-five and Hyunjin have gotten really close and I'm sure he'd be really sad if he lost a friend." Chan said.

"Either way forty-five is gonna die, whether it's me who kills him or not. Everyone is after him." Changbin said.

"But if it is you and he finds out it was you, don't expect to have a boyfriend anymore." Chan glared at him.

"Why are you getting so defensive hyung? Is it because you want the seventy-five?"

"I don't want Jeongin to die bitchass."

"Hyung?" Changbin said again after hearing silence from the older.

"Oh- yeah."

"Ugh, now you got me all confused." Changbin groaned then leaned back in the chair. "I want the money, but then I don't want Jinnie to be sad and break up with me."

"Seems like a pretty clear choice to me." Chan mumbled.

"Whatever, I'll just figure something out." Changbin said. "I should at least warn him though, just incase someone else kills him before you or me." He finally got up and left.

"I have no idea how Hyunjin puts up with him." Chan sighed and watched him walk away.

Jeongin stood by the main gate after school with Jisung waiting for Chan to come pick him up.

Jeongin said that it was okay and he could leave, but Jisung insisted.

"Hyung, I have a secret to tell you." Jeongin said and turned to the older.

"What is it?" Jisung asked.

"Have you ever met Hyunjin's boyfriend?" He said.

"Yeah, at the party, why?"

"Okay, don't tell Hyunjin but," Jeongin started then leaned closer to his ear so he could whisper. "He really scares me."

"Why? Did he do anything to you?!" Jisung asked getting worried.

"No, he didn't do anything, he just gives off this scary vibe if you know what I mean." He said. "I just wanted to tell someone because there's no way I'm telling Chan hyung."

"Why not?"

"Because Chan hyung warned me about him before. I'm not gonna tell him so he could be like 'I told you so'." Jeongin said.

Just then, Chan's car pulled up to the school.

"Speaking of Chan, there he is. I'll see you tomorrow Jisung hyung." Jeongin smiled.

"Bye." Jisung waved.

Jeongin skipped to the car and was about to open the door to the passenger seat but sees someone sitting in his spot.

Jeongin rolls his eyes then goes to sit in the back behind the passenger seat.

"Woojin hyung why are you here?" Jeongin asked.

"Hi Innie, how was school?" Chan asked.

"Good." He spat then turned to Woojin. "Why are you here?" He asked again.

"Bang Chan is doing me a favour." Woojin replied.

"Yeah. I ran into him on the way to get you and he asked me for a ride to the cafe. It's not far from here so it doesn't matter." Chan said. "I kind of owe him one for not reporting me for almost hitting him."

"Oh." Jeongin mumbled then sat back in the chair.

Jeongin couldn't wait until they got to the cafe. Yes, he admits. He was jealous. Very jealous.

Woojin was sitting in his spot beside Chan, talking and flirting not so discreetly and Chan wasn't doing anything about it.

Thankfully, after a few more minutes they arrived in the cafe.

Chan parked the car in the parking lot outside. "Okay, here we are." He said.

"Thanks." Woojin said. "Bye Chan, bye Jeongin."

Jeongin fake smiled and watched him leave and enter the cafe.

Now that Woojin was finally gone, he could go back to his seat. He climbed over from the back and sat down.

"Well you guys are friendly now." Jeongin said and folded his arms.

"Why?" Are you jealous." Chan smirked and pinched his pouty cheek.

"Yes actually, I am." Jeongin said then turns to face him.

"Cutie." Chan mumbled and was about to leave the parking lot but Jeongin stopped him.

"Bang Chan, be my boyfriend."

"What?" Chan looked at him in shock.

"What? Did you not hear me?" Jeongin questions then climbs over to sit on the older's lap in a straddling position.

"I said be my boyfriend." Jeongin smiled innocently, even though he knows what he's doing right now isn't so innocent.

Chan smirked. "Hmm, okay baby boy." He said against his lips while placing his hands on the younger's waist.

Jeongin almost melted at this new nickname Chan called him. He couldn't hold back anymore. He crashed their lips together.

The kiss was agressive, they stayed like that for a few minutes before Jeongin backed away, panting because he forgot to breathe.

"Cute." Chan smirked at how much of an amateur Jeongin was at kissing.

"W-whatever." Jeongin blushed then went in for another kiss.

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