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channie hyung

today 14:30

hyung <
can hyunjin come over today <

> uhh
> sorry innie

whaaa <
whyyy <
is it bc his bf ?<

> i'm at the same place i dropped you this morning

hyung <
why do you hate his bf <

> i don't
> he's my friend

so then what's wrong ?? <

> i'm waiting

ugh ok <

"So did Chan hyung say I can come over?"

"Woah you scared me." Jeongin said and looked over at Hyunjin who was all of a sudden standing beside him at his locker.

"Sorry." Hyunjin laughed. "So...?"

"Sorry hyung, we have something to do." Jeongin lied. He's not going to tell Hyunjin that Chan won't let him come over because of his boyfriend. Even though he has no idea why.

"Nah it's alright, see you tomorrow Jeonginnie." Hyunjin smiled then began walking away.

Jeongin waved then went in the direction to the front gate where Chan said he'd be.

When he got outside he started walking over to the older's Lamborghini.


The said male heard the voice of his friends calling his name and looked behind him to see them walking towards him.

"We were looking for you." Felix said as they approached him.

"Hey guys..." He mumbled.

"Are you walking with us today...?" Seungmin asked. It was a bit awkward. They haven't talked after the whole 'argument' at lunch.

"No. Chan hyung is driving me home."

"Who is this Chan hyung anyway-" Seungmin started but then Jisung cut him off.

"Jeongin look, we're sorry that we've been trying to stop you from being friends with Hyunjin." Jisung said.

"We just don't suggest you be friends with him because he's rude all the time and-" Felix stared but Jisung cut him off again.

"You can be friends with Hyunjin and your new 'friend' Chan, but all I'm saying is be careful." Jisung grabbed Jeongin's hand and looked at him straight in the eye. But it wasn't just a normal look.

It was a look that meant Jisung knows something.

Jeongin just didn't know what.

"D-don't worry hyung, I'll be alright." Jeongin said and released his hand from Jisung's grip.

"If something happens, text me, okay?" Jisung whispered in his ear so the other two won't hear.

"There won't be a need for that because I'll be fine." Jeongin reassures him. "I'm going to get going now, bye Jisung hyung."

"Bye guys." He said waving bye to Felix and Seungmin who look so confused why they are speaking so quietly to each other.

Jeongin walked up to Chan's car and sat down in the passenger seat.

"Hey Innie, how was school?" Chan asks.

"Annoying. How was work?"

"If was fine." The older replied then started the car.

"Hyung?" Jeongin mumbled.


"Do you know someone named Jisung? Han Jisung?" Jeongin asked. He had to. Just to make sure.

"Nope never heard that name before, why?" Chan looks at him for a few seconds before looking at the road again.

"Nothing it's fine."

*ding ding*

Jeongin shifts at the noise of his phone going off.

He finally wakes up and comes to realization that he was sleeping on the couch, on top of Chan- who is also sleeping.

The last thing he remembers was them watching that romcom so they must've fallen asleep while watching it.

When he looked at Chan who was sleeping so peacefully beneath him and how harmless he looked his heart couldn't help but beat faster.

He ignores his heart that is about to beat out of his chest and reaches over at the coffee table for his phone.


today 18:32

> jeongin
> please stay at seungmin's for a while longer
> your dad and i are going to be away for a bit
> hopefully not too long
> you can go back home and get your clothes and things, but we won't be there
> we love you and tell seungmin's parents thanks in advance

okay love you too <

Jeongin shut off his phone then put it back on the coffee table.

In all honesty, he completely forgot that he had to go back home. He's been totally fine with staying at Chan's.

"Oh Innie? You're awake?" Chan said in a raspy tired voice and Jeongin felt like he could melt right there in his arms.

"Yeah, my mom texted me." He said.

"Really? What did she say?"

"She said to stay at Seungmin's for longer. They're going to leave and they don't know when they're coming back."

"You're not actually going to stay at Seungmin's, are you?" Chan said with a smirk.

Jeongin laughed. "Of course not."


nct just had their concert in seoul and skz just had theirs in jakarta

so many fancams and vids to watch i am living 🤩

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