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The party went on for a while, Jisung decided it was time to talk to Hyunjin and pulled him outside through one of the back doors.

"So who would've thought that you're the boyfriend that Minho is throwing the party for." Hyunjin said and folded his arms. "How long have you guys been dating?"

"Yeah- we've been dating for like a month now. I don't know if you can tell, but I keep this a secret so don't tell Seungmin and Felix." Jisung said.

"Funny of you to think I'd talk to them intentionally."

Jisung rolled his eyes. "Whatever. Hyunjin, look- I don't like you, ever since you lead Seungmin on, I've despised you. I'm only talking to you because I care about Jeongin."

"Well surprisingly, I don't like you either Han and I didn't fucking lead Seungmin on. He's the one who would text me all the time, flirting with me, asking me out and shit." Hyunjin started. "It was because of him, my boyfriend got mad and said we make our relationship public so he would stop flirting with me. Me being the popular person I am at school, everyone and their mother found out, and of course mine did too. Because of him I got kicked out of my fucking house. Then you wonder why I hate him so much."

Jisung was kind of shocked hearing this. He's only ever heard Seungmin's side of this story. Hearing Hyunjin's kind of changed his view. "So why didn't you just stop texting him?"

"Don't you think I've fucking trying that, Jisung?"

"Oh..." Jisung mumbled. Not going to lie, he felt bad for Hyunjin. He had no idea his parents kicked him out for dating his boyfriend.

"What did you need to talk to be about anyways." Hyunjin said and folded his arms, wanting to get this over with so he could go back inside. He didn't expect to be telling Jisung how his life has been for the past year.

"Yeah- um it's about Jeongin." Jisung started.

"What about Jeongin?"

"Yeah, what about me?"

The two males look over to the direction they heard the voice and see Jeongin standing right there.

"Jeongin?! What are you doing here?!" Jisung asks.

"More like what are you doing here hyung? Who did you come with?" Jeongin asks.

"I came with my boyfriend-"

"His boyfriend is the CEO's son, shocking right?" Hyunjin said.

"How did you get here?" Jisung asked, worried that Jeongin is now here.

"I took an uber. Chan hyung wouldn't let me come but here I am." Jeongin said. "I was gonna enter through the back door so I can sneak in, but then I see you two arguing here."

"There's really nothing going on here, it's pretty boring, and plus clubs aren't really a place for you Jeongin." Jisung said.

"Hyung, please I live with Chan, you think I've never been to a club before?" Jeongin laughed then walked over and stood beside Hyunjin.

"Yeah lets go inside and have fun now, you can tell me what you need to say later Jisung, okay?" Hyunjin said.

Jeongin and Hyunjin linked arms and happily made their way into the club.

"Shit this is bad, really fucking bad." Jisung mumbled then followed them in.

"Let's go to Chan and Changbin hyung." Hyunjin said then began walking over to them.

"No, that's a bad idea." Jisung went in front of them, cutting them off.

"Why?" Jeongin asks.


"It's fine Han. Go back to your boyfriend." Hyunjin said and pushed him out of the way.

Jisung sighed. There was nothing he could do now. He went back to Minho then hoped for the best.

"Channie hyung!" Jeongin called.

Chan turns around and almost shit himself upon seeing the younger walk towards him with a smile on his face.

"Jeongin what the fuck are you doing here? I told you to stay home." Chan said.

"I wanted to come and have fun too." Jeongin said and folded his arms.

"Woahh~~ forty-five is standing right there?! I must be realllyyyy drunk."

"Shit." Chan mumbled as Changbin slung his arm around his shoulders.

Hyunjin sighed then turned to Jeongin. "That's my boyfriend. Sucks the first time you meet him is when he's drunk and spewing out bullshit."

Chan reached into his jacket pocket and was so thankful that a mask he left in there the other day was still there.

"Jeongin, wear this." He said and gave it to him. This place was full of people who wanted to kill him, if he wants to be there so bad the least he could do was cover his face.

"Why?" The younger questions.

"Fashion statement?" Chan replied. It was stupid, but that was the best he could think of right now.

Changbin removed his arm from Chan's shoulder then went to Hyunjin.

"Baby, you look so hot right now~~" Changbin mumbled then wrapped his arms around the taller's shoulders.

Hyunjin didn't even reply, he just smirked then immediately kissed his boyfriend. The two of them probably forgot Jeongin and Chan we're standing there.

Predicting what's going to happen next with the shameless couple, Chan didn't want to see any of it. He grabbed Jeongin's hand and began walking away.

"Where are we going? Why don't we stay with them?" Jeongin asked.

"Changbin and Hyunjin are probably going to end up fucking at the bar, so I think right now is a good time to leave." Chan mumbled then brought Jeongin outside.

When they got in the car, Jeongin sat in the passenger seat and folded his arms.

"Innie, don't be mad at me." Chan said then looked over at him.

Jeongin didn't make eye contact with him and pouted.

"I wanted to stay longer, I literally just got there."

"The party wasn't even fun anyway, don't worry, you didn't miss anything." Chan said.

Jeongin didn't reply and continued to not look at him.

Chan just sighed and started the car.

"Such a cutie when you're mad." He mumbled.

Jeongin obviously heard and his cheeks couldn't help but turn red.


1015 words holy fuck

i didn't even expect it to be this long i just kept typing and typing

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