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Seungmin, Jisung and Felix got onto a bus so they could go downtown and see if Jeongin was anywhere there.

*ring ring*

Seungmin's phone in his pocket began to ring. He took it out and looked at the caller.

"Guys it's Jeongin's mom." He said. "Should I answer it? She thinks Jeongin is actually at my house."

The two of them just nodded. After three more rings he answered it and put it to his ear.

"Hi Ms. Yang."

"Hey, Seungmin, is Jeongin still with you? He hasn't been answering my calls."

"Yeah," He lied. "He's still here at my house. His phone just died."

"Oh okay, would it be alright if he slept over another day?" She asked.

"Yeah, sure it's fine!"

"Thanks bye!"


Seungmin ended the call then turned to Jisung and Felix.

"She doesn't think anything, she asked if Jeongin could stay another day." He sighed. He felt really bad about lying to his mom, but he didn't want her to get scared that he was missing. And besides, he has faith that they're going to find him

"Woah that's a really nice car." Felix said looking out the window as the bus pulled up beside it at a stop light.

"Yeah it is, is that a lambo-" Jisung began but then got cut off.

"Guys look inside the car!! That's Jeongin!!" Seungmin basically yelled.

Felix sighed then turned to look at his friend. "We know you're scared for Jeongin right now, but don't start seeing hallucinations. Why the hell would he be in a lambo right now."

"N-no Lix, look it's actually Jeongin." Jisung said.

Felix turned his head and looked into the car stopped beside them and inside was actually Jeongin.

"What the fuck?!"

The light turned green again and the car began to drive away. They stayed in the bus and decided to follow the car to wherever it was going.

"Guys they're turning into the mall. We should get off now." Jisung said and began walking to the doors.

The three of them hid behind another car in the parking lot and watched as Jeongin got out of the car with someone else.

"Who's that pink haired guy with him?" Felix whispered.

"Why does Jeongin have a bandage wrapped around his head?" Seungmin whispered back.

"Guys they're going in now, let's go." Jisung mumbled and began discreetly following them to the entrance with Felix and Seungmin behind him.

"What phone can I get Channie hyung?!" Jeongin excitedly asks as they were walking through the mall.

"Any phone you want, it doesn't matter." He replied.

"Really! Thanks!" He hugged the older and began skipping away to the store.

Of course Jeongin wanted an iPhone XS, the most expensive iPhone out right now.

Paying for the phone hurt his wallet, but after seeing how happy Jeongin was, he didn't really care about how much he spent.

"Thanks again Channie hyung!" Jeongin smiled and hugged him, again, but the older hugged him back this time.

"No problem, Innie."

Jeongin let go and looked at Chan with his face red. "I-innie?"

Chan smirked. "What? You don't like it? You call me Channie, so why can't I call you that?" He teased.

"I-I never said you couldn't."

"Cute." Chan smiled then patted the younger's head. "Let's go." He then turned to walk away.

The younger just nodded then began to follow.

Chan walked ahead, with Jeongin behind. He looked around at his surroundings then rolled his eyes. "Are you kidding, they're still following?"

Chan wasn't dumb. He knows three little teenagers are following them. He's a trained hitman after all, he realized them before they even got to the mall.

He's been watching them the whole time and it was pretty entertaining to be honest, every time him and Jeongin hugged or made contact, they would be so shocked, especially the one with brown hair. He looked pissed.

The older turned around to look at the younger and grabbed his hand.

"Why are you always walking behind me? Walk beside me."

"Alright." Jeongin smiled then blushed at how perfectly his hand fit into Chan's.


I wrote this instead of doing my history homework oopsies 😩🤪

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