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"J-Jeongin? Jeongin?!" His mom called. He didn't say anything. He was too stunned to even reply or move.

His mom started approaching them. He finally comes to his senses and does the first thing that comes to his mind.

Jeongin held onto Chan's hand and booked it the opposite way down the street.

Chan was shocked that Jeongin started running so fast. He definitely didn't expect him to do that.

They ran all the way back to the hotel. When they got to the lobby Jeongin was panting. That was the most physical activity he's done in a while.

"Innie?" Chan said and looked at his boyfriend who looks like he's about to die from exhaustion.

"Yeah?" He said between breaths.

"Are you okay?" The older asks with an amused  smirk on his face. "You look like you just ran ten kilometres."

"Well, sorry I'm not a fit, trained hitman like you." Jeongin pouted. "I hardly exercise."

"Want me to carry you up to the room?" Chan offered and opened his arms.

Jeongin was about to gladly accept but then looked at his bloody cheek and remembered something.

"No- I'm supposed to be the one taking care of you." The younger said and intertwined their fingers. "Let's go upstairs."

When they got to their room, they went to the washroom. Jeongin took out the first aid kid and found the medical needle and thread.

He carefully cleaned up the wound and all the blood around it, then he finally began the needle.

"Do you even know what you're doing Jeongin?" Chan asked as he felt the needle poking and the string tugging at his skin.

"Don't worry, I've got this." He replied.

Chan watched Jeongin's face as he did it. He was so concentrated and careful, he thought it was really cute.

After a few more minutes, Jeongin finally finished.

"Okay, it's done." He said.

Chan looked in the mirror and saw the suture on his right cheek, it ran horizontally under his cheek bone. It actually didn't look that bad.

"I did a good job right?" Jeongin smiled.

"The greatest." Chan smiled back then placed his hands on either side of his face and gave him a kiss.

Afterwards, they decided to go to bed. They were currently cuddling together. The lights were off but they weren't actually sleeping yet.

"Channie hyung?" Jeongin spoke up in a soft voice.

"Yes baby?" The older mumbled.

"Was what I did the right thing to do?" Jeongin questioned. "Should I have run away from my mom like that?"

That question took him off guard. Chan really had no idea how to answer that. Whether he stayed or not the outcome would be different.

"Well what do you think?" Chan asked.

"I don't know that's why I'm asking you." Jeongin giggled.

"Well either way, now she knows you're in Japan." Chan said. "The only thing is, if you talked to her, somebody would've noticed and put you in danger."

"Yeah, I guess so." Jeongin mumbled.

"It's okay, don't worry about it." Chan said and kissed his forehead. "We'll try and finish the job tomorrow so we can go back to Korea as soon as possible."

The younger nodded and smiled while snuggling into his chest.

"Goodnight Chan hyung."

"Night Innie."

The next morning, Jeongin woke up and Chan wasn't there. He was sad waking up to an empty bed, but he knows Minho probably called him and he had to go.

He tried to go back to sleep, but couldn't because his phone was going off every ten seconds. Right now would be a good time to have it on silent.

He reached over to the night table and grabbed his phone to see who was texting him.

hitmen's bfs 😚

today, 9:45

hyunjin hyung
> boyfriends are gone !!
> let's go explore again

jisung hyung
> no
> we literally lost jeongin yesterday

hyunjin hyung
> well we won't lose him again
> it's daytime now
> come onnnnn

jisung hyung
> idk hyunjin

u guys go <
i'll pass <
tired af <

hyunjin hyung
> awhh
> have fun sleeping

dw i will <
seen by 2

Jeongin checks his other notifications before going back to sleep and sees one that shocks him.


today 1:23

> jeongin i know that was you at the street market just now
> why are you here?
> what are you doing?
> who are you with?
> why did you run away?

Jeongin started at the blue chat bubbles in his phone. How the hell is he supposed to reply to this. She was just throwing him all these questions.

He thought for a bit and finally decided what to say. Just a simple hello and ignore all the questions.


today, 9:51

hello mom <

> jeongin listen
> i know you must be super upset at us and i get that
> but please can we meetup and talk
> [ attachment: address ]
> this is where we are staying for the time being
> whether you decide to come see me or not is your choice
> but please think about it

Jeongin felt really bad. Part of him wanted to hear what his mother has to say, but part of him doesn't and wants to ignore it.

After several minutes of contemplation, he decided to go.

It's just gonna be a short visit. He'll hear what she has to say, then come back to the hotel room before Chan gets back.

Jeongin threw some clothes on, shoved his phone and room key into his pocket then left.


this book is finally coming to an end soon 🥳

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