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The two of them went straight back to the hotel.

"Do you think Minho is gonna be awake? It's pretty late right now." Jeongin said as he followed Chan down the hallway of the hotel.

"Well, we'll just wake him up." Chan said. He got to Minho and Jisung's room and knocked on the door, a bit aggressively just in case they were sleeping it would wake them up.

"Hello?" Jisung said as he answered the door. 

"Who is it?" Minho said walking up to the door and standing beside his boyfriend.

"Thank God you guys are still awake." Jeongin said walking into their room. 

"Why? What happened?" Jisung asked.

"Minho hyung, are the guys that want to kill me here in Japan?" Jeongin asked.

"Yeah, they're here looking for your parents."

"Can you call them?" Jeongin said. "I need to meet up with them."

"A-are you serious?" Minho said. The younger nodded.

Minho looked at Chan and he nodded as well.

"Okay then..."

Minho called them and arranged for them to meet. He was surprised at how easily they agreed.

Chan drove him and Jeongin down the street to the meet up spot which was behind a building.

"Bang Chan, we finally meet." The guy standing at the front said when he noticed his presence. "I was surprised when CEO Lee's son called saying you wanted to speak with me."

He looked beside Chan and sees Jeongin standing there then smirks. "Oh, so this is why. You've brought me Yang's son."

"I have something to say." Jeongin spoke up. "I know where the location of my parents is, and where all the money is."

"Oh, do tell." The guy smirked yet again.

"If I tell you will you drop my case?" Jeongin said.

"Until I get that money, you're still a case." He replied.

"Well- all money you need and want is in a house in the outskirts. That's also where they're hiding." Jeongin sighed.

"Are you serious?" He said.

Jeongin nodded his head and gave them the address. The guy just took it and called his other men to come with him for backup and immediately went to the house.

"Are we gonna go with them?" Chan asked.

"Of course. I have an idea. We'll watch from afar. I want my parents arrested too." Jeongin said and began walking to the car.

When Chan and Jeongin got there, they parked far away and watched as the small house got invaded by the mafia.

Jeongin had his phone in his hand while his thumb hovered over the call button.

"Are you seriously gonna do this?" Chan said. "Why not just let them get the money and leave them alone."

"Yes I am." Jeongin breathed out. "Might as well catch both sides."

And so he did it, he called the police and they came rushing over.

He watched as a big group of police ran into the small house, arresting every single person in there.

Jeongin sees his mother and father leaving the house with their hands cuffed behind their backs. He was surprised both of them were there because during the days of him staying with his mom, his dad was never there.

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