chapter 4

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Amanda left home early to school the next day, she took a nice peaceful walk to school trying to enjoy the scenery and forget the bad things and news that she had experienced in the last few days. The walk was easy, relaxing and enjoyable like most of the pain she had experienced had gone with the dew, "no wonder Zoey wanted me to go on a walk, it actually makes you feel lighter" Amanda thought as she approached school. Amanda had this last test to do before her way to the university was clear all she had to do was summit the painting.

"Sam" Amanda called out to one of her course mates. "Where are we submitting the artworks?"

"We aren't just submitting the art works we are explaining it too" Sam said. "It's like a show and tell thing, we are suppose to explain what emotions it's trying to express"

"Thank you for the info" Amanda said as they separated. "I didn't know we where to explain, I can't do it I have stage fright, but I have too it's the final test but what if I get it wrong what if I fail. Amanda keep yourself together, you can do it, can't you? Yes I can.

But when the test finally started the feeling of running away was increasing. Everybody Amanda had seen giving their presentation had done so with the boldness art students normally had. As the examiners where coming closer the feeling she got when she wanted to teleport to her room was beginning to rise and she knew that if she didn't leave the hall now she might be found out. Amanda left to use the bathroom and as she was trying to suppress the uncomfortable feeling coursing through her blood she lost control and she teleported back to her mother's house. When she got there she couldn't help noticing that the house was not the way she and her mom left it, it had scattered but the doors where still locked, so how did they get in Amanda wondered. I still have a test and there are only three people left before my turn, how I meant to get there in time. Amanda had searched for the spare key and had left the house as quickly as she could running all the way to school. Luckily school was not far from home.

By the time Amanda reached school her turn had been passed. "Please can I have another chance?" Amanda asked one of the examiners panting from her race

The examiner looked at her with a look that said waste of time. "You have been skipped, there is nothing we can do" the examiner said.

Amanda begged and pleaded with the examiner to give her a second chance. Then they decided to give her another chance after they had finished with every other person.

Amanda was thankful for the other chance but was tired of waiting. Amanda tried to contain the feeling of wanting to teleport and to do that she had to master her fear.
After 2 hours of waiting. "Amanda stones" the examiner called out.

"Present" Amanda replied.

"So what is this art all about?" the examiner asked.

"This is a portrait of a man with green eyes and black hair."

"Do you know this man?" the examiner asked.

"This man is the representation of my feelings in my dad because they are caused by him even though I don't know him. The background is painted with bright warm colors representing the happiness of others, while the man is painted with dull colors representing the sadness in me. He has my most outstanding features which is my green eyes and my deep black hair. The tears he cries represent the silent tear I felt when my mother had a stroke. The most significant feature is the pink dot in his eye representing my difference from the world that people can't see but prevents me from mixing well with others" Amanda described.

The judges and anyone that was in there had a glimpse of what Amanda was going through. A woman who was emotionally unstable and was not even crying. Amanda didn't feel bad because she was not the person who had lost her father just the night before the test, which meant that her life was not that bad.

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