chapter 12

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Amanda had been moved to Zoey’s lab even if she was still unconscious.  It had been two days since Amanda moved or said anything which made Michael really worried, however Stan seemed to be the one working barely resting or taking a break.  It was like he cared about Amanda more than Michael which made Michael feel useless and unimportant but it was wrong to think of such childish things because Stan only did as a favor barely because he cared and this was not about him but about Amanda's health.

“I can’t keep seeing her like this don’t you know what you are doing.” Michael asked breaking the silence in the lab.

“I am trying my best.” Stan said passively not stopping what he was doing to give Michael a glance.

“Well your best has kept Amanda asleep for three days.” Michael said angrily because of Stan's cold and reserved manner.

“Michael.". Stan said and stopped his work to face Michael looking worn out by the stress of the last few days.

Michael face was straight and void of emotion it was time for Stan to say something that will make him angry or calm.

"I really would appreciate you let me work but you won't." Stan said like Michael was a stubborn child.

"You have been claiming to do something but look." Michael said pointing Amanda "she still hasn't woken up."

" i didn’t want to point fingers but this is all your fault." Stan said coolly and Michael looked at him for further explanation.  "what is happening to her is caused by accumulation of stress.”

“How is that my fault?” Michael said thinking of the stress he had put her through.

“Michael I am not a fool.  I see the way you look at her.  You were there at the restaurant and you’re her only friend.  Who else would encourage her to risk her life?” Stan answered angrily.  " you were not to encourage her to use her powers and you failed at that simple task."

“I did not tell her to risk her life.” Michael defended.

“But you taught her how to use her powers didn’t you?” Stan said and looking at Amanda.  “Michael I have been trying my best to cover up for you and Amanda’s stupidity at the cost of my job.”

“Are you so selfish that you don’t care about her?” Michael said with so much distaste, he never really liked Stan and Stan was giving him more reasons to hate him.

“Honestly I did care but it is hard to care for someone who does not appreciate my sleepless nights, who does not care for herself and someone who clearly wants to die.” Stan said pointing at Amanda who was still unconscious.

“She does not want to die.” Michael said more to himself than to Stan but still loud enough for him to hear.

“you don't believe me and you think you are so sure that Amanda wants to stay alive.  Amanda knows she is pushing herself so hard not taking rest not eating healthy, not even trying to continue life.” Stan said furiously and Michael starred at him in disbelief.  “Michael, Amanda nearly committed suicide.”

“She nearly but she didn’t because she is special and she knew it.” Michael tried to defend her.

“She didn’t die because she had powers and I told her to stop.  Michael I know some people are blinded by the ones they love but she is not a human she is a hybrid please think your options wisely.  Do you really think this is a fairy tale were it doesn't matter who you are?" Stan walked up to Michael and placed a hand on his shoulder in a comforting manner.  "It does matter."

“So what do you want me to do?” Michael looked up and asked.

“Let her go.  Stop encouraging her to use her powers and instead encourage her to go to school.  The more you encourage her the more she risks death by me or by herself.  If I don’t bring Amanda to justice someone else will.” Stan explains and leaves Michael and returned to his work.

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