chapter 11

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Amanda was so happy about Michael invitation that she spent all night preparing, for somehow all the pains seemed to have disappeared and the zeal to make the best of the night sipped in.

Amanda woke up with enthusiasm, everything was going to be perfect all she had to do was look her best and show him all the things he loved about her and he would be hers.  But before she spends her birthday night she still had the whole of the day to visit her mom and share some time with them.

Amanda’s mom was still sick and somehow she managed to still be asleep after all this months.

“Mom, it’s my birthday.” Amanda said brushing the hair of her mother’s face with her hand.  “I remember when you use to bake me a cake and we ate ice-cream and sang songs together because I did not have any friends to celebrate my birthday with.  You even let me stay home and made my wishes come through.  I know most of them were silly like I wish for a trip to the zoo but no matter what I wished for, you went out of your way to do it for me.  Today, my birthday wish is for you to wake up and hug me tight.” Amanda said with a tear stricken voice but nothing happened.  “Mom, I can’t afford to cry today.  Please get well soon.” Amanda kissed her mother’s head and left.

Amanda was welcomed by the untidy look of her house because of the wreckage from the day before yesterday.

Amanda had managed only to arrange the living room the day before and thought to herself to arrange the kitchen.

Amanda finished the cleanup of her kitchen three o'clock and decided to have a shower and prepare for her date with Michael. 

Amanda taught she knew what to wear until she was face to face with a gown that was way too tight for her.  She had gained weight and now she had nothing to wear.  “What I’m I going to do nothing fit’s.” Amanda shrieked.

  “What to do.  What to do?” Amanda repeated continuously while pacing around a spot and the idea had appeared to her like a light bulb, ‘Borrow a dress form Zoey.’ The way out had been so clear why didn’t she see it before?

Zoey’s closet even looked more glamorous than before and somehow the room had a dress for every occasion including dinners, Amanda had picked a nice green and black silk soft dress that was well decorated with emerald gems that was way too expensive for the night.  It looked exotic and fit for a goddess and after Amanda had put it on she realized how revealing it was. The dress fitted her like a glove from the top to the knees showing her hips and spreading out like a flower to the ground and there was no imperfection in it, it revealed her curves and shape, a deep ‘v’ at the back all the way to a few inches from her but while the front a simple ‘v’ neck. 

“I can’t ware this?”

“But you have too for Michael.”

“But it is too revealing it will bring too much attention.”

“It will bring his attention.”

Amanda decided to wear it anyway because there was no point arguing on which dress to wear when she did not have another one to wear.

Amanda was ready now she had done her hair, done her make up with red lips to look alluring and she had worn a simple set of Zoey silver jewelries and lastly for shoes a neat designer pair of black heels.  Now all she had to do was wait which seemed to be the hardest part. 

Amanda stared at the mirror and the more she did the more she felt there was something wrong with the way she looked.

“Would Michael like me if I am a blond with blue eyes?” Amanda wondered and almost suddenly her eyes and hair had changed colour.  “My hair.” Amanda shrieked and it turned back to normal.  It seemed she could change her appearance.  Amanda wondered if her hair could be brown and then it was and then she hoped for brown eyes and then she had it and all of a sudden her whole eyes turned green. 

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