chapter 7

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Amanda had appeared right in the middle of the living room in Zoey’s house back where she started.  Amanda fell on one of the sofas trying to catch her breath; she had used a lot of energy that she should have not given out because of her lack of sleep.

Amanda lay on the couch, breathing heavily trying to make sense of what she had just done but she couldn’t her eyes where turning like she was drunk and she felt queasy and dizzy.  Amanda was unable to get on her feet until one hour had passed. 

“I can’t stay on my back forever I need to find a solution for my new life” Amanda said grunting as she tried to get on her feet.  “And I can only begin with a plan.” Amanda said as she made her way to the elevator. 

Once Amanda had gotten into Zoey’s lab she was already exhausted she could not stand anymore immediately the doors had open she fell on the ground.  Amanda tried to lean on the wall as she sat on the floor but not with ease. 

“Computer.” Amanda yelped in pain.  She was hurting all over and it did not make any sense.  “Why does it hurt?” Amanda asked.
“It’s the same reason why it hurt the last time” the computer voice replied.

“What last time, I don’t remember.” Amanda said.

“The time Zoey carried you into the lab.  Your body takes it’s alien form when high energy is used and once done it returns back to human this process is painful this is the reaction that occurred the last time your eyes had turned green.” The computer reminded Amanda.

“Do you have any cure?” Amanda asked the computer.

“I don’t but a simple pain reliever should do it.  You’re still human so it would still work all the same.

“By the way do you know anyone Zoey would have trusted, who has experience in this sort of things?” Amanda asked.

“Stan.” The computer replied.

“No not him, any other person?” Amanda asked.

“Dian Smith has experience but Zoey did not really know her.  She was more like someone Zoey admired.” The computer replied.

“How can I meet her?”Amanda asked.

“I can book an appointment.”

“How soon will that be?” Amanda asked.

“In a month’s time.” The computer replied.

“Can you find a booking for tomorrow?” Amanda asked.

“That will be almost impossible.” The computer replied in a way that made it sound quiet human.

“Please help me.” Amanda begged as she winced in pain and pressed her ribs.

“You have an appointment on Thursday that means three days from now.  But no matter what you tell her never tell her about this house or your mother” the computer warned in its almost human voice. 

Amanda rested for some hours before she was able to stand up again.  When Amanda got her strength she entered the elevator and went back upstairs.  Amanda did not have the time to rethink what she had done until she sat in one of the kitchen chairs and drank her coffee.   Her ribs still hurt but it was not as intense as before.  As she held the cup of coffee in her arm trying to absorb its warmth she began to ponder on all the events that occurred the night before. 
“I stopped a plane from crashing.  I STOPPED A PLANE FROM CRASHING.” Amanda shouted in excitement and disbelief.  There was only one way to prove that she did it.  Amanda had put on the television and to her surprise everyone was talking about the hero who saved the plane.  Amanda only saved the plane to save herself from dying. 

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