D'Lorde's Commune

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Rose was in the doghouse again...literally.

It wasn't her first time, but she sincerely hoped it would be her last because it had become very uncomfortable since her growth spurt. The doghouse had been built for the commune's one-time dog. The commune's women, who Rose referred to as her Aunties, were known for spontaneous adoptions of various kinds (she had been one of them).  Wanting to try out something called "community service," several Aunties decided to volunteer at a shelter for animals when Rose was ten.  This turned out to be an entrepreneurial hoarder, and "in the animal's best interest" came home with a dog.  The next day they all built their new dog (unnamed as of yet due to multiple arguments and one fist fight) a doghouse in the central courtyard of their compound. The day after that the dog ran away. This was, more than likely, truly in the dog's best interest. 

The doghouse had a variety of uses, but primarily it was used for punishing the children. This meant Rose since she was usually the one causing trouble. She tried to remember why she'd been sent this time. It might have been because she fell asleep while Auntie Francis was droning about the salvation found in the worship of D'Lorde (only attainable after death).  It might have been for punching her cousin Peter when he pinched her to wake her up (she hadn't meant to - it was an involuntary reaction). Or, it might stem from Auntie Francis' chair magically moving out of the way when she tried to sit back down, causing her heels to fly over her head and expose her drawers to the class. If there was a strange occurrence, it was usually blamed on Rose.  She didn't know why, and she was too hot to ponder the reasons.


"Here," she tried to say, but she was doubled up over her knees.

"ROSE!" Auntie Janette was getting miffed so Rose attempted leaving the doghouse without permission rather than get her angry.

Unfortunately, she was stuck. Her legs were definitely asleep, and her dress was soaked with sweat to the point where it had congealed with the sides of the doghouse. The vomit-inducing stench of teenage bodies being repeatedly hot-boxed as a punishment had seeped into the wood. The result was she was immobile, it was becoming tough to breathe, and oh god she was hot!


A whooshing sound exploded around Rose, and Auntie Janette screeched.  Someone ran toward her yelling, "Get the buckets!" And Rose found herself suddenly drenched with icy-cold water and there was a loud sizzling sound.  It turned out the sizzling was coming from her.

Slowly Rose stood up and rubbed her legs, which both hurt and itched as the blood came back to them, and looked around the courtyard.  Then she looked down at where she stood.  All that remained of the doghouse was a pile of wet ash and steam rising from the ground.  Miraculously her clothes and hair survived the apparent spontaneous combustion.  The whole commune had run to the screeches of Auntie Janette, and they now circled Rose, mouths agape. Rose was beginning to feel self-conscious.

"Rose, are you hurt? What happened?" These questions from Auntie Janette seemed to break the spell and suddenly there was a rush of concern and confusion from the others.

Thankfully, Rose was not hurt, other than her legs still being a bit cramped. She had no idea what had happened. First, she was boiling in the doghouse and next it was a pile of ashes.  A small voice inside her said if she really wanted to know what happened she only needed to look a little deeper within herself, but she was frightened of that voice - it reminded her of screaming and pain - and had little desire to know the truth.*

After a lot of questioning and no small amount of prayer, their leader, Oren, proclaimed that it was clearly the work of D'Lorde, who wanted a miracle to be witnessed. Obviously, Rose's escape without harm was both a warning to them and a showing of true mercy. D'Lorde wanted them all to know he was with them and could destroy or save any of them at any moment.

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