Fate Catches Up

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Some people proclaim that Fate rides on wind, but in reality Fate prefers* to drive a red Ferrari- specifically the 1961 250 GT SWB California Spider. Its way faster than the wind, and much more fun. Plus, she's a thrill-seeker at heart.

On this day, eight years and approximately 1283 bottles of firewine, after the last time Gerald had the misfortune to run into Onyx Rose, Fate surprised him by waltzing into the bar where he was slumped over the counter, gazing forlornly into an empty cup and wishing he had more money. She walked as if she owned the place (after all she had been responsible for its creation) wearing a glittering, gold gown trimmed with rubies (to match her ride) and flounced down next to him.  She smelled like the beach and coconut rum.

"I have been looking all over the place for you," she said in a delightfully sing-songy voice.

"You have?" Mumbled Gerald, who had not looked up from his cup.

"No, of course not silly. I don't exactly have to look for people now do I, Gerald. I always know exactly where you are."

At this he looked up at her, squinted for a moment, because the candlelight was dim and cast a lot of shadows, and then cursed loudly.

"Now, Gerald..."

"No. NO! I don't want to!"

Fate tsked at him, swiveling her bar stool back and forth, "Gerraaald...now really, I've been very lenient with you. Practically irresponsible if you get right down with it. I'd say it was because there were a lot of other people who's strings I was pulling to ready them, but in reality there was a very nice beach I found and the sun was warm and I fell asleep for about a year. Like my tan?" 

She slid a dark, silky arm up his sleeve and he shivered.  It felt like all of his muscles had fallen asleep and the blood was rushing back into them.  It was incredibly unpleasant and strangely satisfying all at the same time.

She was very tan, he had to give her that.  In reality her original skin tone was bright blue, but she often changed it when appearing in a more human form, with only two of her four arms. His own vitamin-D starved skin paled even more with jealousy.  Her black hair was positively luxurious, and her nose and earrings sparkled in the dusky interior, making it seem like the lighting levels were intentional, rather than a result of lazy maintenance and cost-cutting measures. He grumbled that she looked very nice, and suggested maybe she should go back and take some more time off.

She leaned in close and squeezed his shoulder painfully.

"Now, Gerald, don't be such a grump. This prophecy has been set in motion for several hundred years at least, actually when you take into account your time jumping, I believe we are coming up on exactly a millennia since Geraldo first wrote it down." 

She spoke of Geraldo as if he were a close friend and hadn't been dead for a thousand years, but again, Fate is a non-linear elemental, and so it was possible, nay probable, that she was actually in both times at the same time.**

"It's time Gerald. You know what you've got to do."

"Actually I don't..." Gerald whined.

"It doesn't matter," she waived away his protest, "all will be made clear. You've read the prophecy plenty of times."

"Not in 16 years I haven't. Can't be quite sure what it says anymore can I?" Gerald whined.

Fate patted his shoulder in a "chin up" sort of manner, since she has no compassion, and cannot understand anyone's reluctance to embrace their lot in life, regardless of personal outcomes.

"Could you just maybe hint at the outcome?  Just for some reassurance?"

"No spoilers.  That would ruin all the fun!  Plus I can't go messing with Destiny," Fate replied.

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