Worth it

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Melissa's POV

The next few weeks felt like a messy pile of people and doctors walking in and out of my room. A pile of watching the cars pass by below my hospital window. Watching the sun rise and set, wishing that Chris's arm was around me, watching the sun together. I barely got out of my hospital bed. It was like my soul lifted out of my body and was watching me from the corner of my room. It watched Chyler try to get me to talk to her. It watched Jeremy walk in and rub my hand, asking me how I was doing. It watched my friends and family trying to cheer me up, to try and engage in a conversation. But it also saw me not talking to any of them. It saw me endlessly stare out the window, only turning my head when I heard Edward walking down the hall to visit Chris who was only four rooms away.

My thoughts and worries clouded around my head, drowning out all the voices around me. One day the doctor walked in with some updates, but I could only stare out the window. The room was on a high floor, so I could see the treetops beyond the town. I could see how the beams of sun filtered through the pointy evergreen trees. I could imagine hanging onto Chris as we weaved through the countryside on his bike. The doctor kept talking, but I could only pick up a few words. She had said something about my leg, something about an infection, but I didn't care. How could I care about anything when I couldn't be with the man I love?

The doctor left the room and Chyler walked over to me. "Melissa? Did you hear that?" She said.

I didn't respond.

Chyler looked from me to the window and sighed. She walked in front of the window blocking my view. "Melissa. I know you're upset, but you need to pay attention to your health. You need to worry about yourself for once!"

I finally looked up at Chyler. "Worry about myself? How can I be worried about myself when I hurt him?"

Chyler turned to the side and rubbed her temple frustrated. "Melissa, when are you going to stop blaming yourself for this?! If you keep going like this you are going to get sick!! Did you hear anything the doctor said? The infection? Anything?"

"No, and I don't care!" I said louder than I had intended. "I don't care if I get sick! I don't care if I'm in pain or hurting. Hell! At this point, I don't if I end up in a goddamn coma! Whatever happens, it'll feel a lot less crappy than how I'm feeling right now."

"Mel, it is not your fault for being happy. It is not your fault for being in a loving relationship, and you need to realize it."

I shook my head. Chyler just didn't understand. I broke eye contact and looked to where the window would be if she weren't in front of it. "You're blocking the view, Chyler," I said, coldly.

"I'm just trying to help you." She said. She looked like giving up, "Well-well at least get up. Even if you can't walk, there's this small lounge just down the hall, and it has a huge window, amazing view. You can just sit there. I can wheel you there, just please, you need to get up." She looked so eager.

I sighed, "Fine." Chyler gave a sigh of relief and walked outside to get a wheelchair.

Chris's POV

I couldn't think about anything but Melissa for the next few weeks. I still couldn't believe that she really thought being away from her was the best thing for me. People came and went when visiting me. Chyler spent most her visiting time with Mel, but Jeremy would come to talk a couple times a week. He would come to my room from Melissa's room.

I heard a knock on my door.
"Hey, can I come in?" I heard Jeremy say. I was able to walk with a single arm crutch, so I was stood up, facing the window.

I turned around. "Yeah, of course. How's Melissa?" I asked eagerly.

"Um, she's still not doing too great," He said putting his hands in his pockets. "She hasn't gotten out of bed still, but I heard Chyler convincing her to get up, so we'll see how that works out."

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