Have it All

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Chris's POV

We were in the hospital for two nights before being discharged. Melissa and my families came to visit. All of them held the baby, told us how beautiful she was. 

Melissa sat in the back of the car with the baby while I was driving. I could hear her cooing and giggling while Melissa shook a tiny rattle in front of her face. 

As we drove toward the apartment, I made a turn before we got onto the freeway.

"Hey, what are you doing?" Melissa asked, noticing I was going a different direction.

I looked up into the rear view window and found Melissa looking at me, confused. I winked at her and grinned.

"No, seriously, where are we going?"

I kept on driving, Melissa constantly asking where we were going until I pulled up to a two-story, dark blue-gray painted house with a deep green front lawn, and a porch up front. Along the streets were even more suburban houses.

I turned the engine off and got out of the car. 

"Where are we?" I heard Melissa ask as I walked around, opening the back door on the baby's side.

"Just get out of the car and you'll see," I told her, getting the baby carrier out, trying to hold back a huge smile.

Melissa scoffed and did as I said. She walked around to my side of the car, looking up at the house.

"Ok, now you have to answer me. What is this place?" She asked one last time while I finally shut the car door, holding our baby girl in one arm.

"This, my love, is our home," I said, finally smiling.

"Ex-excuse me?" She asked, baffled.

"Our home. Where we are going to raise this baby, start a family?"

"Th-this place is ours?" She was stunned, "You bought this house?"

"Yep, what do you think?" I asked. She stood there looking up at the house, baffled.

She finally looked back at me, equally as baffled as before. I started becoming nervous but she soon put a smile on her face.

"I love it," She said and nearly jumping into my one open arm and kissed me. 

"Good!" I laughed, "because there are movers loading our things into a truck as we speak, and that would have been a terrible argument!"

Melissa giggled and kiss me one more time, and we walked up the sidewalk and into our new home.

Melissa's POV

It was a quiet night. Chris and I had just finished eating dinner. We were snuggled up on the couch of our new home. The baby was in a small rocking device while Chris and I took a small break from being new parents. 

My head rested on Chris's chest. I could hear his heartbeat and feel the warmth of his body. His arm was around me, stroking my hair. We watched our sleeping baby in her rocker.

"She's so perfect," I said to him. "How did we make something so perfect?"

He chuckled, "I think she gets it from you."

"Yeah right."

"I serious. Her eyes, her face. Her personality. It's all from you."

I smiled, "Her personality? She's a baby, how do you know?

"Well, she's sweet and happy all the time." He looked down at me, "She loves me."

I laughed, "Oh really? Way to flatter yourself"

He chuckled, "I really think she's going to be amazing, just like her mother."

"Well, I think she's going to be an incredible and kind person, like her father." I smiled looking up at him.

Just then the baby started crying. "I'm on it!" Chris said, unwrapping his arm from my shoulder. I watched as he gently unbuckled our baby from the rocker and picked her up. He made his way back to the couch and sat down next to me. The baby's crying started to weaken, her head resting on the spot my head was just on. Her tiny hands grabbed at Chris's shirt, and she snuggled further into his chest. 

My head resting on my propped up arm, I gleefully watched Chris with the baby. I smiled knowing she was hearing his heartbeat as she slept on his chest, knowing she would feel his warmth as I did. I watched him stroke her fine, short hair, and brush his finger over her cheek.

I looked upon them, realizing this was all I ever wanted, all I ever needed. For so long I thought that I couldn't have happiness in my life. I thought that every good thing would fall apart, but I knew that this would last forever. Anything that came in our way, I could handle it. I accepted the happiness that came my way, embraced it with full arms. I finally got the ending I had longed for.


Author's Note

There it is! The ending of the story! Sorry if this is so short, but I am rlly bad at writing endings, and I am very eager to write the karamel story. I hope you guys enjoyed reading my story. I am super proud of it and had so much fun writing it. I remember starting this story thinking that no one was going to find it, but you guys have really surprised me. Sounds cheesy but I'm very grateful for everyone who has read this (it's been a real confidence booster). If you guys really want, i may continue this in the future, but for now I'm done. Anywho thanks for reading. bye.

Update: I just published the first chapter of a Karamel story! It's called "Karamel-Leave you, Save you" I really hope you check it out!!

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