My Future.

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Kinda short but I wanted to update.

It was a bit surreal as we pulled away. We didn't move from that spot, our lips hovering over one anothers, but we were staring into the other's eyes. 

He was the one to break our gaze, standing up from the couch and rushing to grab his broom. I didn't speak or call out for him. I was too stunned to even remember why this was such a big deal.

This was the first time I had felt like this particular feeling in years. The last time I had felt this sudden spark and rush was Cho Chang. That had only lasted for one short moment, this sudden buzz lasted until Malfoy walked into the front door four hours later.

"Hunny, I'm home." He called out throwing his broom back into its corner and throwing his muddy shoes next to it. He levitated his coat over to the coatrack and headed straight upstairs.

I stood in my room, staring into my mirror as if looking for something important. I'm not sure what exactly which was why this was taking so long. I heard the heavy stomps of Malfoy's boots as he made his way up the winding stairs, but his trek paused before my door flew open. I turned around to face him only to find him gawking.

 "Is there something I can help you with?"

His mouth continued to remain open as his eyes flicked over me quickly. I'm not sure what he was staring at but he seemed in quite the daze. I sighed and snagged my wand off of  the bed side table, flicking it to close the door before plopping on the bed waiting for him to speak.

Somehow I felt like I was missing something as he stood there looking rather nervous. My glasses sat on the table considering that I had just woken from one of the oddest dreams of my life. It was the first time in years that I'd had anything besides nightmares and long bouts of nothing. 

"Where's your shirt?" he asked, staring at me as if I had hexed him.

"I like to sleep without a shirt. Is it illegal?" 

He left out an exasperated huff before pausing yet again to look over where I was sprawled out on the bed. 

 He tossed me my mail and then stalked out. There was a picture of Hermione and Ron waving on the front, their little boy in Hermione's arms. I involuntarily sighed this time.

That was one of the things I couldn't shake when it came to thinking too hard about events that hadn't occurred. A son  or daughter to continue the bloodline. These thoughts somehow brought me back to Malfoy as I carefully opened to mail he'd delivered.

It was as if he had forgotten what had happened this morning and that was just how I had planned it. I had to stop time for only a moment before he could completely escape me and put a bit of forget-me-now potion into his thermos before he had headed off to practice. It was an unfair act, but there was something about the situation that I just couldn't bring myself to face. 

I sat the partially opened mail on the bedside table, holding it off for the moment.

There was an almost empty feeling as I sat there watching Ron and Hermione wave at me.

 It was as if all my worries for the future came careening for me and I had to start all over again with what I wanted. Somethings just weren't meant for me.

Like I had said before, 

"I don't have a future." I spoke it out loud as I stood in front of the mirror, staring over myself, the body I had acquired from the physical training it had taken to kill Voldemort. 

Everything was somehow a constant reminder of the past.

I twirled my wand between my fingers as the memories flooded back starting with the group I had founded, where I had my first kiss, and ending with what had happened this morning. It had even continued to show me the people that had died under the hand of Tom Riddle. A constant reminder. 

I took a shaky breath and headed downstairs where Malfoy stood staring at the wall. For a second, I thought maybe there was something I wasn't seeing. Maybe there was ghost phasing in and out of the wall, but after about two minutes, I decided to speak.

 "You okay?"

He turned to me and I felt a sharp pain in my jaw.

"Forget-me-now, you idiot!"

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