Time of Dying.

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Draco's words spilled out of him like water. I wasn't sure if his arousal came from not being able to shut up even if he tried, or from the fact that I wasn't saying a word as he told me things that made me gasp. Although, things didn't stay sexual for long as his mind wandered more towards the more romantic things he apparently wanted to say. 

"Couldn't help myself when Ginny was here," I listened closely as he ran his hands up my shirt, over my sides, "Why does she get to have you? You didn't even seem interested. It was like I was no one." He gave a particularly hard pinch to one of my nipples that made me groan and accidentally scoot back against his erection which caused him to grunt. 

"Fuck. I loved you first."

Even with the trust serum, I could feel him go rigid as the words continue to just fall freely. 

I held my breath but I didn't say anything. The potion didn't seem to be wearing off as he continued.

"I don't know why I said that. I didn't eve know what's happening. Please say something."

"This isn't how I remembered trust serum when we were at school." I mumbled and huffed out a laugh when he pinched my side. 

"Something else," It's mumbled because his face is pressed into the back of my neck. 

"I need to think about this a little harder but I-," my train of thought is cut short. 

"Wanted to fuck you since sixth year. How long does this damn serum last?" He says it exasperatedly. 

"I don't know; you're the one who got an A in Potions."

I needed to speak to Hermione.

There was that feeling again. That schoolgirl bubbly feeling. It had me feeling helpless as I did my daily rituals. Malfoy had clung to me for a solid hour going from dirty thoughts to quiet ramblings about his past. Both intrigued me immensely, but for some reason I just wasn't fully sure of how invested to get.

"Hermione?" It wasn't Hermione but I recognized that voice. 

"Leave my wife alone, Harry."

"Ron, I need to speak to her, please."

"She's out with our son. You're a big boy. I'm sure you can figure it out on your own." Ron droned. He didn't seem particularly angry with Harry, just like he was trying to keep himself distant. Like he was reading off of a script of what to say to him to keep himself from falling back into that familiar brotherly banter.

"I need her to help me." I tried not to sound as annoyed as I felt but I don't think he would have even registered it and he continued his distracted end of the dialogue. 

"Not here, Harry." Then he hung up and I was left to do my own search. Nothing could stop this overly-giddy feeling I had as I bounced on my tips of my toes. I had a lot of questions. Granted, maybe they were childish questions, but that's what friends are for when it comes to dumb feelings.

Draco had a game this evening and I wasn't sure if I should even go. Would I be a distraction? Would he want me there even though it's routine? I mean he wouldn't be able to see me, but that entire conversation we had about his teammates thinking we were secretly lovers was a lot. We never talked about that in full. Does that still matter to him?

I decided that maybe Hermione was in the muggle world. There were few places that Hermione visits and the shop for little magical babies and the witches and wizards amusement park didn't pan out, so I headed for the only other place Hermione usually is when she's not at Hogwarts. It took a simple spell to get me close enough to her parents house, but it was raining in the muggle world. My glasses were flooded with water as I tried to find my way blindly towards the house. 

There was only split moment of time where I realized that maybe I'd been a bit too giddy. Maybe I should've waited until she was done with whatever it was she was doing before I went searching her, but only for a split moment before bright lights flashed before me and sound of several muffled cracks sounded out like the sound of thunder in the distance. 

It took me an agonizingly slow few seconds to realize that the sounds were several of my bones breaking before the pitter patter of the rain faded away and the world turned black.

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