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It wasn't a simple "take a potion and then a flick of the wand and fixed" kind of pain. It was a "You could lose a lot of blood and you will be on bedrest for at least a month" type of pain as I lay there under Madame Pomfrey's watch while she bandaged me up.

The wizarding world would have a good laugh about Potter, the boy who survived what was once the most deadliest forces in the wizarding world, got killed by a muggle vehicle.

Every single thing hurt. My head was pounding, my bones were aching, I was probably bleeding as she wrapped my head up tightly and gave me a potion to help the pain leave my body a little quicker. She was searching her books frantically for the quickest spell or potion she could find that would heal me.

I wasn't really sure why she was in such a hurry, I surely wasn't going anywhere. I flinched as I felt another wave of pain flow through my lower body and I squeezed my eye shut. 

"Okay...," I heard her sigh, a bubbling noise coming from over in her direction. She seemed reluctant as she continued, "this may sting a little." 

Then, my whole body felt like it was on fire. I felt two pairs of hands holding me down to the bed as I struggled to get away, get away from the fire that seemed to be running through my veins.

It didn't make sense that I could be in this much pain and that it actually took this much pain to heal me quickly. I had only been hit by a car. She should have been able to heal me, no problem.

I felt my throat closing up as I tried to let out a scream, beads of sweat gleaming on my forehead as I fail express my pain. My eyes flashed open for an instant and I could see his face. His pale face, his fair blond hair, his pouty lips, a stern look on his features, the stormy look in those gray eyes as he pinned me back down to the table.

Why was he here? He had a quidditch match, he should be there.

I couldn't breathe, I couldn't see, I couldn't hear, and I couldn't think straight.

Soon, I was consumed by darkness again as my eyes rolled back in my head and I gave up my struggle. I stopped flailing and my body went numb as they succeeded in pinning me down to the bed. My jaw went slack and my heart stopped for just a second, but at least all of the pain was gone.

I woke up in the dead of night. There were no lights on in the hospital wing except from the dim light coming from the small lamp across the room. I squinted realizing that I didn't have my glasses on. I looked over at the side table, only to realize that they weren't there and that I couldn't move my arms very well. They had gone a bit wonky since I had been out.

I froze at the sound of the door opening and the lights being turned on. I had thought I was alone but apparently not as I turned away from the blinding light that had flooded the room. A sharp pain radiated through my brain as my eyes adjusted to the fluorescent lights above my bed. 

It was hard to, my body relatively stiff, but I managed to see Draco in a huge overcoat, walking towards me. He slipped off the overcoat and laid it over the chair before flopping into it. 

"Draco...?" It came out in a hoarse, small voice but he managed to hear it in the semi-quiet room. His eyes widened and he seemed almost shocked to see me awake. 

"Harry..." He breathed out, looking over my face as if it were his first time ever seeing me.

"What time is it?"

"Twelve o' clock, Harry it's March 4th." I stared up into his eyes looking for some kind of answers.

"The potion was too strong for your body and it sent you into a coma." He answered my silent question before continuing to look me over like he couldn't believe that I wasn't to him.

I gulped and winced as my throat burned.  He picked up on the discomfort, the grimace being prevalent on my face before I let out a dry cough. He helped me sit up and then handed me a glass of water that looked like it had been sitting there for a while - like it had been there since the day I passed out and it was just waiting for the moment I woke up.

I took a couple of sips before I was forced to look back at Draco, who was trying his best to avoid eye contact. It was like he was afraid of me seeing something in them. 

"I wish you wouldn't do that." He grumbled, readjusting himself in his seat next to the bed. 

"Do what?" My voice came out a bit smoother this time, albeit, a little slurred.

"Look at me in the eyes like that, like you can tell what I'm thinking." He answered, genuinely looking annoyed. Though, he looked at me anyway.

"How'd the match go?" It was a week ago. It was probably in one of the papers stacked up next to my bed beside to stale glass of water, but why try and use my broken arms when I can just ask him. After all, it was the only game I'd missed since he'd started playing. 

"Awful," he huffed out, arms crossing and a grimace forming on his face as he his eyes quickly left mine to dart down to the floor, "my good luck charm got hit by a muggle." 

He seemed genuinely put off by that. 

"Lost by 50 fucking points," his eyes were back on my with that desperate look in them.

"I love you too."

In those Eyes. [Harry Potter]Where stories live. Discover now