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At first there is just darkness as Malfoy's face slowly disappears and it's like I am falling down into a deep dark abyss as his face gets farther and farther away, his body fading.

 "Malfoy?" I heard my own voice ring in my ears, but he didn't answer as his face slowly faded and only his eyes remained, staring as I fell and they looked as if they sparkled.

There is a blinding white light surrounding me as memories consume me. Is this death?

I always suspected I would die early. 

Just not in such a ridiculous fashion. My life was truly stagnant for while. I thought I would live to be hundred in an old dingy house where everyone would remember "the boy who lived" but he would be on the back of everyone's milk jugs because he disappeared. No one would connect him to old man living in the dilapidated house alone. 

Then Malfoy barged into the picture.

He showed at my door like some lost puppy...

"C'mon, Potter." I could hear his voice so clearly it was like he was actually there.

"I'm not staying here if he stays." Ginny informs me, crossing her arms while her lips pinched together in disapproval. 

"I don't want to go back there. There's nothing but silence and old memories." Malfoy had told me while pressed against my pack, truth serum causing him to tell me everything. 

"He's not even worth it, Harry. Can't you see that?" Ginny continued to protest.


"His parents tried to kill you, what makes you think he won't attempt or succeed at doing the same?" She'd never said this, but it felt just as real. 

"Thank you." I heard Malfoy's relieved sigh.

"Fine, if you want to do that, it's fine with me. But I won't stay here to find your dead corpse lying in our bed."

My hands seemed to glow as I reached for the light but I abruptly yanked it away as a picture of my mother and father showed up into the mixture of what I guessed was memories.

My mother had fought and died to keep me alive and I was just throwing that all away to make a couple of people happy.

The images changed and I was seeing something different. It was Narcissa sitting in front of a fire whilst she stroked her clothed stomach that protruded before her. She was staring into the fire as if with longing as she whispered softly to what could only be Draco.

She looked around six months pregnant in this scene as she shifted in the large grey arm chair. She let out a tired sigh. 

"If only your father was here," I heard her mumble as she caressed her stomach, "We both love you, you know?" She whispered before chuckling.

"I hope that you will have a long and adventurous life. I hope that you will be handsome and dashing as your father once was before stress overcame those qualities. I hope that you will find someone who will love you after we are gone and no matter what your father or I say or do we will always love you." Narcissa spoke softly, "My handsome Draco."

Her eyes went from her stomach back to the crackling flames of the warm fire.

There was a flash of bright light before, "James!" I heard a woman shriek, her arms wrapped around the bundle in her arms as a man stood before a dark figure, blocking the woman and her baby. He was not long before he was dying on the floor before her and now the dark figure moved towards the woman, my mom. He cornered her.

She was frantically scrambling further back into space she didn't have, the bundle pressed close as she whispered quick spells, peaking up every now and then to see the figure moving closer.

She was soon lying dead and cold next to her year old son.

The child didn't let out a single cry as his eyes landed upon his mother. 

"And now for you." A quiet, eery whisper came from the cloaked figure as he moved closer.

The scene changed.

It was storming and I was standing outside a house. An Orphanage. Tom Riddle's orphanage to be specific. I watched as Dumbledore took his time making his way up the steps and as he talked to the Keeper before she politely let him. She thought that he seemed strange but she would do anything to get 'That Riddle Boy' off of her hands. I watched as the scene guided to his room and as he and Dumbledore sat facing each other in two chairs.

He was getting the same talk that I had gotten eleven years ago. The 'You are a wizard.' speech except for it was Dumbledore, not Hagrid. I watched Riddle closely as he had this mischievous look on his face.

Then, there was another flash as I was forced to watch the several deaths at once. From his first kill, all the way down to when we were standing in front of each other and he no longer had a nose, his robs tattered and bellowing in the wind as we both pointed our wands at each other.

"You'll never win, Potter." He spat out.

There was a strike of lightening and I was back in the Malfoy mansion. This time Malfoy was in Narcissa's arms as she rocked back and forth. The baby in her arms looked more like a porcelain doll as she held him close to her breast and kissed him on the forehead.

The baby opened his eyes...

"Harry?" I heard a hushed whisper before I turned to see two gray eyes staring into mine. They looked worried. 

"What happened?" I groaned as I sat up and watched as he watched me closely.

"You passed out at Madame Pomfrey's." He answered, still staring at my face as if the fact that I was still alive had to be some kind of magic. I was almost in a sitting position before pain shot through my back.

"Take it easy; you just got home." He whispered, brushing my mussed hair out of my face and peering warily down at me, his eyes not leaving mine.

"God, you scared me."

In those Eyes. [Harry Potter]Where stories live. Discover now