Never Forget.

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I held a hand to my now stinging face, trying to connect that dots before he could take another swing. However, it seemed he only planned to hit me once even as he seethed with anger. 

"If you didn't like me you could have just said so!" He barked out before turning to leave and I felt a sudden rush of anger flash before my eyes.

"Sorry, you ran away too quick," he abruptly stopped and spun back around to face me, "Every fucking time, you run away!" My voice was piercing raising in volume, but I wasn't sure why I was saying exactly what I was saying. The bottle of 'Never Forget' fell onto the carpet and his hands clenched into fists, eyes narrowing at me. 

Though, he never raised them to hit me again. Instead, I found myself once again staring into those clouded eyes as I hugged him. It was like a scene happening in flashes. His eyes reminded me of a storm on a dreary day. A memory of Draco being blown back into rubble as he tried a deadly spell made it's way into my mind.

Before, I had never had time to think over these things but now they just seemed to force there way back from some dark place where they'd been dormant. I held for what felt like too long, but he didn't move to pull away.

Then, what I had said earlier replayed itself in my head and this time I thought on it. Malfoy had kissed me and I had tried to cover it up with a spell. It was a cruel move, but I thought it was for best. Always what is for the best, never what makes you happy. Is this what made me happy? 

I slowly moved away to cup Draco's chin with my  hand and tilt his head up. His eyes were more intense than ever as I leaned in to peck him on the lips. Quick, no real consequences. I held my lips hovering over his for a while. As new thoughts made their way into my mind and I couldn't stop myself from crashing my lips back into his.

We didn't stop our little embrace until there was a knock on the door.

By this time we were both on the couch, him on top of me. I let out a quiet, almost hysterical laugh at his flushed face and sighed as our visitor knocked again. This was not how I thought this moment would play out but to be honest I never thought that this moment would ever happen.

 Sometimes, I forgot that Draco was proficient in Potions class. 

He stumbled up from my lap after the third knock and rushed to the door, opening it after he had finally fixed his hair. I sat up and flicked on the TV so that it could look like we were doing something besides each other. 

"Where's Harry?" 

I froze at the soft, timid voice. Ginny. She slid past Malfoy and made her way towards me. I almost thought she was alone until Ron and Hermione trailed behind her. Ron looked angry and Hermione looked uncertain.

It was like one of those dreams where something wonderful happens and then someone or something bounds in and ruins it . 

"You kicked my sister out for this idiot?" Ron asked looking from me to Malfoy. 

"I didn't kick her out, she moved out." I reminded him, with a quick glance over to Ginny to remind her that I did in fact remember how that night had gone. 

Ginny crossed her arms and let her big brother fight for her. It was one of the most helpless fights of my life. He was my best friend; I didn't want to fight with me about this. This wasn't his fight anyway. There should be no fight. If I decide that I didn't want to date his sister, that was my choice. It seemed that problem lay in Malfoy's presence. I looked over to a frazzled Malfoy to see he had his trademark sneer in place.

I sighed and cursed under my breath as Ron continued to rant about his sister being a priority. I could hear Hermione trying to reason with him somewhere through the fog of my mind.

I decided that maybe putting some space between myself and Ron would help the situation. 

"Would you at least like some tea before walk into the house I paid for to yell at me about your sister's decision to leave said house? I'm have every right to move in whoever I want to move in." I reminded him as I made my way into the kitchen. 

I could hear the sound of someone following me to my destination as I slammed down the teapot on the stove with a much heavier sigh and absentmindedly rummaged through the various teas in the cupboard. I could tell it was Draco because Ron and Hermione's voices had become distant and the shuffle of feet was casual as he stood against the cabinet and tried to look casual.

I turned to him and cursed under my breath again as I burned myself drifting pass the kettle. He looked like he was trying to find something to say or maybe he was just hiding out until I returned to living room so he wasn't being scorned about existing on his own. 

At least, I was sure that's what was happening before his arms slowly made their way around my waist and his chin was gently placed on my shoulder. The actions were hesitant but somehow I could feel that he was sure that this is what he should be doing. It was a new kind of intimacy that couldn't have come at a worse time.

Ginny stalked into the kitchen looking as if she was just started in some kind of battle. I heard Draco mumble something as he quickly released me but I ignored his blushing and stumbling to figure out why she was doing exactly what she was doing. 

"This isn't what we planned for our future. Why can't you see that Harry?" She seemed to not have even noticed Draco's stumbling or our close proximity. It was like he wasn't even there. Future? I couldn't remember planning any type of future with her. 

"This argument is going nowhere, Ginny." The tea wasn't enough of a distraction so I decided to maybe find something in the fridge that could make this situation make sense. There were all types of random foods, but nothing that could stop her from continuing.

Her words turned to Draco. 

"Why must you stay here, anyway? You have the money to leave," It's as if she's reminding him who he is, "I will not start a family amongst you two bickering and fighting. 

There was a quiet pause where I found some leftover stew particularly interesting before I felt a tug to the back of my jumper. I peered up as I was tugged from squat in front of some goat's milk and up to Draco's eye level before  his hand grabbed for the back of my neck and I was pulled into a kiss. 

It was like the entire world had fallen into silence.

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