My Present.

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"How did they even found out if your friends are such 'good people'." His voice was rising, but seemed to waver a little. 

"Okay, don't panic." I reminded him, placing the newspaper onto the table, "It could have gotten out anyway."

"Anyway, Potter?" The way he spat my name almost gave me nostalgia as he clenched his teeth and glared at me, slowly rising from his seat. 

"Yeah, Malfoy, I'm at all of your games. I don't wear the invisibility cloak all the time," I try not to sigh too loud, "they could have seen me after any game." It was true. They always go home together if Harry doesn't sneak out earlier to get away from the crowd. 

Malfoy seems to take this into account. 

"They couldn't even get near your teammates if they tried and Reta Skeeter hasn't put it as the headliner of the damned paper so I'm pretty sure no one else knows." I debunk his hypothesis, scooping up the newspaper to show him the boring headliner about new versions of wands.

Draco's flare seems to be diminished as he stares at Olivander on the front holding out a wobbly stick with a smile on his face. 

"What were their exact words anyway?" I inquired after Malfoy finally let go with a deep sigh, plopping down into the arm chair.

"You snogging the bloke with the chia pet hair and crooked glasses?" He recounts to me grimly before a grumbled, "The hell is a chia pet?"

I didn't bother responding, going back to doing the random games in the kid section of the newspaper, ignoring the my glasses as they slowly inched down my nose. 

There was at least 10 minutes of silence before I could feel the paper being tugged down to uncover Malfoy's face. He standing about eight centimeters from my face. He stood there, newspaper partially in his hand before crashing his lips onto mine.

"Mmm-," I tried to get his attention, say his name, but he didn't seem like he was planning on pulling away anytime soon. There was a small gap were he drew away for air and I finally got my chance.

"Malfoy." I gasped out, moving away before he could his lips back on mine, "You need to make up your fucking mind. Are you mad they know about us or not? Because if this becomes something serious-"

Something about the unfinished sentence made the air go cold as he pulled away. He didn't storm out of the room or go make up some excuse to put some distance between us, he just sat there hovering over me, looking for something.

"You don't even go outside that often," he reminded me with this almost unimpressed look, "How would anyone know anyway?"

"The same way your teammates knew," I retorted, feeling the warmth seeping back into the air, "You haven't kept your mouth to yourself since this started. What are you going to be like after you're amped up about winning a match?" There was something more in my words than I had meant their to be. It caused his eyes to turn a deeper shade of gray as leaned closer as if he couldn't help himself.

I couldn't help but smirk at his not so cool and collected demeanor as he watched my lips as they were telling him something.

"Fuck, Potter," It was almost whisper past his lips as they gently brushed against mine. "What am I going to do with you?"

I leaned back, breaking the trance I'd accidentally put him. 

"You can tell me what this is about."

I could see the deflation as he realized he'd have to talk about his feelings. 

"I can't do this right now," he mumbled after a moment of him biting at his lips, "Shit, you know I'm no good with feelings."

"Well in order for anything to go anywhere, you gotta tell me something." I informed him, crossing my arms and waiting for him to let me know what he's been thinking.

We watched each other for a moment before he cursed under his breath and slipped a hand into his robe, bringing out a small vial and sipping from it quickly.

Veritaserum. I remembered it from our days at Hogwarts. I watched him carefully as he repeatedly opened his mouth and shut it again. Even with a truth serum, he was struggling to just spit it out.

I froze as his arms reached out and tugged me closer, placing between his legs so I was turned away from him but his arms were wrapped around my waist.

"Really don't want you looking at me when I admit this." He answers an unspoken question before kissing my neck softly. I waited patiently for him to start.

"I've always wanted to do this every since we were in fifth year," he kissed my neck again, "but we were still little assholes to one another, and father was still adamant that I shouldn't like you." He paused, using his fingers to trace my spine, making me shiver under his touch. 

"And Vol-..." I could feel him shiver behind me, "needed you dead, but I couldn't help it, y'know. There was something about you." I could feel his breath against the nape of my neck as his arms tightened around me, his chin  on my shoulder as he whispered, "I've always liked you. Something sexy about the sheer defiance of a fucking prophecy."

The words came out of his mouth so easily. He was holding me like we had been doing this forever. He was telling me things that I never thought I would ever hear as he blew on my neck. I turned around to face him to see that he was deep in thought about something. I wasn't sure what it was or if I should as until I felt it on my lower back.

"Really fucking sexy," he was basically creating hickeys at this point, which wasn't a part of the truth serum, but I didn't have the heart to call him out on it. 

"You really know how to woo a man, Malfoy," I mumbled, trying not gasp as his hands began to run over the fabric covering my thighs. 

"Can't help it; you don't know what you do to me." The words are barely above a whisper, as Malfoy grinds his erection into my lower with a low grunt. 

"Well, go ahead. Tell me."

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