Finally Awakened.

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"God, you scared me." He breathed out in a whisper, his breath tickling my face as he hovered on top of me. His hand brushed up against my side and I winced which made him wince. 

"You had to have stitches in your side, but other than that you're okay." He was still whispering to me as if he would wake someone up. His hand brushed back another dark strand of my hair that wasn't matted or sweat soaked from the nightmare. I let out a sigh as he watched me carefully. I propped myself up onto a pillow and tried to keep from moving too much.

"You hungry?" He was a little louder but it was still a whisper as he moved closer, shifting the bed slightly as he sat beside me. I only shook my head. 

"Harry, please say something." My eyes flickered up to see the concern in his eyes. Make it better.

"I'm fine, Draco." I stated and he hushed me quickly before chuckling at my bewildered look.

"Hermione and Ron came over to see how you were doing and they ended up crashing in the guest room." He explained, his head nodding to the room next door.

"Hermione and Ron?" Last time I checked, one of them was pissed with me and the other wasn't allowed to  speak to me freely.

He looks so worn out and sleep deprived as he sat there, his eyes scanning over my body as if I would die at any moment.

"I told you; I'm fine." 

He didn't seem to believe me.

I slowly unbuttoned the shirt I'd been stuff in and Draco watched closely, turning his head where the stitches began. I analyzed the mess of wounds and found that there were about fourteen stitches and grabbed my wand off of the nightstand. 

"What are you doing?" 

With a flick of the wand, the stitches evaporated and wound slowly closed, leaving smooth skin.

"Learned that one from Voldemort." I huffed out a laugh, allowing my smile to stay for a moment longer. His hands made contact with my skin and I couldn't help but shiver as his cold hands investigated the area. His eyes darted up to mine before he slowly leaned down to cover my lips with his in a kiss that was probably supposed to be chaste.

He slowly slipped my shirt off, his hands running down my chest until his fingers latched onto the waist band of my pajama pants and he let out a low groan as I tugged and sucked on his bottom lip. His hands were running over every inch exposed skin as if he truly couldn't believe I was here and most unharmed until we heard a faint cough and he was off of me in a heartbeat.

I pulled away to see to see Ginny standing at the door before looking over to Draco who looked a tad guilty mouthing a "sorry" as he placed his hands back in his lap. 

"I just came to tell you that I'm sorry," she mumbled, "I won't interfere with you two again." That was all she said before she was out of our room and out of the front door. I could tell Draco was waiting for some type of reaction out of me but all I could to was stare at where she had just stood before Ron took that place.

His face was one of shame as he looked up to meet my gaze, but my eyes had averted to the quilt under me.  

"Sorry." I heard him murmur, but he didn't leave like Ginny had. Instead, he came over to my bedside and hugged me carefully as if any sudden move he made would shatter me into a million pieces.

"I'm not fragile, Ron." I told him as he quickly pulled away from me as if I had burned him. His cheeks reddened and he rolled his eyes as if what I was saying was a blatant lie. 

"You were hit by a muggle car that threw you about ten feet in the air making you break half of your ribs and all of your limbs. You are about as fragile as a vase. But I guess you can't be that fragile considering you can snog Malfoy without dying." He mumbled with a huff.

It was Draco's turn to blush this time as he looked away from Ron's smirking face.

"We only came because Draco almost when crazy with worry and was blubbering all over the place." Ron continued, rolling his eyes as Draco's turned to slits, his blush growing darker upon his pale cheeks.

"You better be glad that my mom decided she would be nice and watch our kid or you would be here by yourself." Draco looked ashamed of himself as he continued to glare at Ron until he finally finished is spiel. 

"I see you two have finally stopped being idiots. Mostly Ron." Hermione made herself known as she walked over to stand beside Ron. 


Draco's eyes turned to crescents from laughter and I don't think I've ever seen him to happy as he continued to mock Ron, pale grey eyes glistening as they turned to gleam at me.

God, I loved him.

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