Good People

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I looked into gray eyes as they moved away and shifted nervously over to where Ginny stood looking shocked. I bit my lip and fixed my glasses. It was one of maybe one of the most dramatic scenes I felt I've ever been a part of as the sound of the screeching kettle brought me out of my own head. I shuffled over to turn down the stove eye, trying to make it seem casual and bring back some normalcy.

There was no bringing back the ignorance that was there before as I peered over to see realization and devastation dawning on Ginny's face. She struggled to say anything, mouth opening and closing several times before she decided to take her leave and flee the kitchen without a word. 

I sighed and put my head into my hands, waiting for someone to say anything, but there wasn't much sound besides the door opening and closing behind the three of them.

I could feel the shift, though. There was more in the lack of a "goodbye", "we'll see you at [insert holiday]", and "we wish you would visit more".  It was like the singular choice was erasing parts of my past. There would be no more least for a while.

I tried to casually pour some of the water into a mug as Draco nervously shifted behind me and I could feel he was looking for something to say. Maybe, even an apology, but he seemed to be failing.

There was this sinking feeling in my stomach. I could feel it my throat. You don't cross friends like that. Not ones who are willing to die for you no matter how ridiculous the situation may seem. You don't give up those types of people. The potential loss hits him like a train as he stares down into the mug. 

I traded them in for someone else. A particular person that they all had a distaste and distrust for. It wasn't even a selfish self preservation. They wanted to make sure I was still alive for the next Christmas and I traded on that for this weird affection I grown to have for Malfoy. I could feel my mug shaking in my hands, but I tried to make the sip seem casual, ignoring the seething sting of my tongue. Fuck.

It was like the metaphor was almost creating itself as I took yet another sip.  

I eventually turned to look to Draco, only to see he'd gone whiter than parchment. His eyes flicking around from object to object. 

"T-They-," his voice sounds thick, like there is something stuck in his throat before he clears it, "They wouldn't tell anyone." He phrases it like a statement, but I can see the question in his eyes. That along with a bit of fear. After all, he does have a reputation to uphold. I think there was article in the paper about him dating some witch that comes to every single game and cheers him on. He doesn't want to jeopardize the speculation for a possible controversy. His life is finally calm. I could see the worry in his eyes and normally I would have something snarky to say, but if I'm going to give up my family for a couple of kisses no one was supposed to know about, I felt like maybe I should make it worth my while. Take the worry away. It was the same voice in my head that got me into this situation in the first place. 

The walk across the kitchen seem to take forever, but when I finally got there, he seemed relieved.

I hesitantly brought a hand up to his cheek, caressing his face and stared down into the gray eyes for only a second. 

Reassure him.

"No, they're too good for that."

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