Chapter 2

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Caroline flopped her body onto Elena's bed, burying her face in a pillow.

"This is torture," Caroline said, her voice muffled. She removed her face from the pillow and pushed herself upright so she could stare at her two friends who were closely examining a bag full of nail polish.

"How long has it been?" Elena mumbled, not taking her eyes from the light blue bottle she had in her hand.

"A century," Caroline replied pushing her hair back.

Bonnie rolled her eyes. "It's been three days," she said shooting Caroline a look.

"Same thing," Caroline mumbled, watching Elena pick out a deep red bottle from the batch and shake it. "How long does this thing take anyways?" Caroline whined.

"Caroline," Bonnie sighed looking at her friend. "It'll happen when it happens, but for now can we please just paint our nails and listen to Taylor Swift on repeat?"

Caroline looked up at Bonnie's smiling face, then looked at Elena who was shaking her head and laughing.

"It's just, I'm paranoid all the time. I've even taken up wearing my bathing suit in the shower." She said, her arms flailing, which was how she got when she was about to have a break down.

Elena walked over to her blonde friend, and sat down next to her on the bed. "Are you sure you're ready for this?" Elena asked, worried.

"I've already considered reversing it, until I realized that it was irreversible." Bonnie said, sitting down on the other side of Caroline. "Maybe it won't even work."

"Guys, I'm fine," Caroline said taking a deep breath. "It's just, not every day a girl gets to go back in time, without knowing how long she's going to be there, looking for information that could be incredibly hard to find."

"We know," Bonnie said, linking her arm with Caroline's. All three of them shared a look. "By the way, when you're there, make sure you don't lose your daylight ring." Bonnie said and she stood up, grabbing a pink from the pile of colors.

"Why?" Caroline said, concerned.

"Because if you don't have it on when it's time for you to come back, you could be stuck there." Bonnie said, grimacing. Caroline looked like she was about to cry. "I was reading more about it last night; when I did the spell I did the portal through your ring, it's just a precaution, nothing serious."

"Nothing serious?" Caroline said, standing up and pacing the room. "Bonnie! I could be stuck in the freaking 1800's! Or worse, the 1960's..." She was completely horrified; she walked into the bathroom and turned on the faucet, splashing her face with water.

"Caroline," Elena said smiling at her friend. "I believe in you."

"Gee thanks, that makes me feel so much better." Caroline said rolling her eyes, the girls burst into a fit of laughter.

"Oh, also, there's another thing," Bonnie started to say in between laughs, but then something weird happened, her voice began to fade. "It's very important that you-" Then it was gone, it was as if she suddenly stopped in the middle of her sentence. Caroline frowned at her reflection in the mirror.

"What-" Caroline began to say but as soon as she turned her head to look at her friends, she realized they weren't there. Elena's bed was gone, in its place was a wooden desk with a lamp on it, and papers scattered along the top.

Caroline stood up straight, and turned her head back to the mirror, but it was gone, instead she was staring at a wooden wall. She ran her fingers over the place where Elena's bathroom mirror had been located; the touch was real, she felt the splinters enter her skin and then fall from it.

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