Chapter 8

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Caroline considered what Rose had said, but she still couldn't wrap her brain around the fact that Tatia was indeed 'alive' or rather, a vampire. Caroline had remembered her conversation with Klaus when she had been with him in the 1500's. He told her that he loved Tatia, but that she had died.

Realization suddenly donned on Caroline, she swallowed hard, and fought back tears that threatened to be released.

"Are you alright girl?" Rose asked, and Caroline looked up at her, as if she was just realizing that Rose was still there. Caroline shook her head, urging the tears to remain where they were.

"I'm fine," Caroline said, wanting to be alone at that moment. "Thank you." She added, trying to sound sincere.

"I hope I've helped you," Rose said, with a sympathetic look. Caroline nodded, and then turned away. She could hear Rose exiting slowly, and that's all Caroline wanted at this moment, to be left alone. Tears came quickly after that, and Caroline knew that Klaus had no idea that Tatia was turned, unless he lied to her, which was unlikely. In the grand scheme of things, this meant that Klaus wasn't part of their bloodline, which inevitable meant that Damon would have no problem killing Klaus, which would kill Tyler. Caroline let out a frustrated whimper as she considered this.

"Caroline," she heard him say. He was behind her, her back to him as she began vigorously wiping away her tears.

"Yes?" She said, her voice sounded weak and hoarse.

"Love, what is the matter?" Klaus said, his voice was urgent now, as if he just realized she was crying.

"Nothing," Caroline said quickly, turning to look at him although she was aware that tears still pushed at the corners of her eyes.

"You are crying," he said taking a quick step toward her, one arm out to comfort her. She pulled away quickly though, she didn't want his sympathy, she just wanted to be alone.

"No," Caroline said, as tears now trickled down her cheeks, there was no hiding them now. Klaus seemed confused; he looked around as if the cause of her discomfort was from another being. "I'm fine."

"Please," Klaus said, trying to reach out to her again. "Tell me what is wrong."

But Caroline shook her head, backing away from him; she suddenly turned and left, quickly.

Her breath was even as she ran through the forest; she could hear laughter and the clinking of glasses from behind her, as she put more and more distance between her and Klaus' house.

When Caroline thought she was far enough away that Klaus wouldn't come looking for her, yet, she sat down on a rock, and just cried. She cried because nothing seemed to ever go right for her. Whenever she found happiness, it always seemed to be ripped away by fate, or destiny. She would never be with Tyler, she would never have the life she wanted because she was always haunted by her nature. She was a vampire, a being that prayed on the living, and was constantly followed by darkness. Her, Caroline Forbes, the definition of sunshine, was to remain in darkness for the rest of her life, and she couldn't help but cry over that, to cry over her misfortunes.

As more tears came, now uncontrollable, Caroline couldn't ignore the fact that she felt she was being watched. She looked around her, taking in her surroundings. There was no movement, not even the flap of a bird's wing, but she could feel eyes on her, and it made her shiver.

She got up suddenly, wondering why she had traveled into the forest, which always seemed to bring her problems. She looked around one last time before deciding that she needed to head back. So she pulled herself together, taking a deep breath she took one step forward. She didn't make it a foot before something came whizzing out of the forest. The object struck her in the right hip, making her fall to the ground in agony.

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