Chapter 10

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Caroline pulled the bottle of vodka close to her chest; her eyes glued to the television as she occasionally pulled the bottle up to her lips and took a large gulp. Knees tucked close to her, she watched a brown haired lady smack a thick layer of frosting onto a plain yellow cupcake; Cupcake Wars wasn't her favorite show, but nothing else was on.

"That's way too much frosting," Caroline mumbled, shaking her head. A moment later her phone went off, pulling her out of her trance. She grabbed it, fumbling to find the answer button.

"H-hello," Caroline said, placing the half empty bottle on her coffee table.

"Caroline?" Elena's voice said through the phone. "Are you ok?"

"Fine," Caroline said, drawing circles on the couch with her finger.

"Bonnie told me you were upset today, she said you were angry about Tyler, but she also said she thinks something else is on your mind." Elena said. "You want to talk about it?"

"Don't you have a Salvatore to attend to?" Caroline asked, as she watched another woman on her TV screen pull out a batch of burnt cupcakes.

"Just because my world revolves around vampire's doesn't always mean I don't make time for girlfriend problems." Elena said, sighing through the phone.

"That's unfortunate," Caroline said, as she watched the woman with the burnt cupcakes burst into a fit of tears.

"What?" Elena said. Caroline shook her head, refocusing on her conversation.

"Nothing, um, what?" She said, standing up. She stumbled a little as she made her way into the kitchen.

"Caroline, what's going on with you?" Elena said, her voice more irritated now. "I get that you don't want to talk about Klaus, but ever since you've gone on this time travel thing, you've been acting weird."

Caroline sighed, she didn't know what to tell Elena, she didn't want to talk about Klaus, or Tyler, and she definitely didn't want to bring up the fact that she had already time traveled twice, and her third trip was bound to come up soon.

"I'm miserable," Caroline mumbled, grabbing the bottle of vodka and taking another sip.

"You're also drunk," Elena said, her mother tone was showing. "Which doesn't help."

"Only a little," Caroline whined.

Elena sighed again; Caroline could tell she was readjusting her position because there was crackling through the phone. "Caroline. I may not understand everything that's going on with you right now, and you don't have to tell me, but whatever it is that's bugging you," Elena said, pausing to gather her words. "You need to do whatever it takes to figure out how to fix it. To figure out what you want."

Those last few words had reminded Caroline of what Tyler had said to her that night: but for right now, you need to figure out what you want.

It was all anyone seemed to be telling her lately. To figure out what she wanted, no matter what it took.

"Elena," Caroline said, her voice smooth. "I got to go."


She considered taking her car, but she was drunk, and on top of that she was a bad driver to begin with. So, with what was left of the bottle of Vodka tucked under her arm, she walked it. Allowing her to think about what she was going to say, although she was very drunk, and everything that popped into her mind ended up slipping away moments later.

When she arrived, she stopped in front of his house, thinking about how many times she had been here over the past few days. Too many, she thought, as she dragged herself up the steps.

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