Chapter 14

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"Caroline," a familiar voice said.

At first Caroline thought she was back with Klaus in the thirties. She could still feel his soft touch, how his lips felt against her own, the way he said her name when-

"Caroline!" The voice said again, although it sounded more panicky, worried. She could feel hands on her, although they weren't Klaus'; she could tell because they were rough and small, unlike his large gentle hands that would lace through her own, slowly and delicately. She didn't want to open her eyes, not yet. She wanted to savor this moment, to hold onto the memory of him for as long as possible, because she knew he wasn't there anymore. She was somewhere cold and wet; the soft and warm bed they had been sleeping in no longer held her.

"Caroline Forbes!" The voice said for a third time, this time it sounded annoyed or anxious. It also sounded closer; she could feel herself coming out of her dream. Was that what it had been? A dream? It felt like it now, as she opened her eyes, the morning light momentarily blinding her. Once her vision had focused, she could see the small, caramel colored, body of Bonnie hovering over her.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" Bonnie said, her voice was high and annoyed, as if she had been dragged away from something important. "Are you drunk?"

Caroline blinked a few times; trying to make sense of the situation in front of her.

"Bonnie?" Caroline asked, her voice sounded hoarse, as if she had been sleeping for longer than necessary.

"You're so lucky I found you before your mom did," Bonnie said, stepping back to give Caroline some room.

Caroline looked up at her witchy friend. She seemed different; something was off. Bonnie had on a light blue shirt and Capri's, her hair was pulled back into a ponytail, and she looked younger although her eyes still had a small hint of old sadness. Caroline looked around momentarily, taking in her surroundings. She was back in Mystic Falls; in fact, she was lying right in the center of Mystic Park.

Why was she here? Hadn't she taken off her ring? She had, she remembered her and Klaus in the church; she had left it there. Then they went back to his house, where they had slept together. Caroline tried to think back, and then slowly the memory of watching Klaus slip the ring back onto her finger came back to her. She thought it was a dream; everything had been was so foggy. She remembered that she couldn't move; she tried to tell him to stop, to beg him to not do it, and then everything had gone black. Now here she was, back home, and when she looked down, she saw her daylight ring shinning back at her in the morning light. So it hadn't been a dream, and suddenly Caroline felt like crying.

Why had he sent her back? Caroline felt a wave of embarrassment fall over her. Had she not been good enough for him? Did he realize she wasn't worth it? Caroline suddenly felt mad, hot tears began to fill her eyes. So he hadn't changed at all; all this time she thought she was doing something good for him, helping him, making him a better person. When in fact, he hadn't changed at all; he had used her and then abandoned her. Caroline felt ashamed, and a fool. Why had she thought that a girl like her, could change a man like him. Caroline would have continued to analyze the situation but Bonnie pulled Caroline's attention back to her with a quick snap of her fingers.

"Come on Caroline." Bonnie said, grabbing Caroline by the hand. "Everyone is staring."

Sure enough, as Caroline looked around her, she saw a few of her classmates staring bewildered at her current condition. She looked down at herself, noticing her period nightgown that was very short and very revealing. Caroline moved so fast then that Bonnie could hardly keep up with her.

As Caroline began to push through the crowd of surprised people, she noticed that she felt different, weaker.

"Bonnie, what happened to me?" Caroline asked, she was hoping Bonnie could provide an explanation for her current condition; it was as if she suddenly came down with a cold.

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