Chapter 7

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Caroline groaned, she wondered if she were dreaming. Although the air smelt too real, a combination of burnt rubber and freshly cut grass. The ground beneath her no longer felt like the soft sheets that made up her bed, instead it was wet and sticky. She opened her eyes barely, still hearing the sound of gunshots in the distance, although they seemed to be getting closer. She saw the tops of trees huddled together above her. When she rolled onto her side, still groggy from sleep, she saw that she was in the middle of a dense forest, bushes were snarled together, and she could hear movement of animals and insects all around her. She knew she had gone back, and it had all happened while she was asleep. Awesome.

She heard voices, they were close now and every so often Caroline heard the sound of gunfire, yes, they were very close now. She sat up, looking around her, she couldn't see the end of the forest, all she saw was more shrubbery and thick trees. Suddenly she heard the snapping of a twig behind her, she gasped and whipped around. A six or so foot tall man entered her perimeter, the moment he saw her he seemed confused, curious as to why a young lady was lying around on the forest bed. Then his eyes turned to wonder, and he smiled.

"Well what do we have here?" He asked, he was missing a few teeth, which made Caroline grimace and begin to back away. "Where are you going love?" He asked, his voice was heavy with a British accent. He crept closer to her. She could see the rifle around his chest; he was most likely in a hunting group, which didn't sound too far off.

"Stay away from me," she warned, knowing full well that she could take him.

"What's a pretty girl like you doing out here in the forest?" He said, ignoring her warning, as he stretched a hand out to her.

"Seriously," she said, her voice turning more into a growl. "Leave me alone." She stood up then, and he made a quick movement, jumping forward, grabbing her by the arm and attempted to pull her into him, his hand around her waist.

"No!" Caroline said, pulling away, he just laughed keeping a strong grip on her. She growled, grabbing his wrist and twisting, hard. He let out a yelp, stumbling backwards.

"She broke my bloody wrist!" He roared, as Caroline turned to run. She could hear multiple men behind her, as she ran through the forest, the voices grew louder, as she assumed, they found their hunting friend with the broken wrist.

She was running so fast she could hardly keep up with herself, and as she snuck a peek behind her for the first time since her escape, she ran into something, or rather someone, hard. Stumbling back she felt the man she had hit grab her by the wrist to steady her. She didn't look up at him at first, as she tried to refocus her eyes, and balance herself.

"I assume you're the woman who has harmed my hunting mate?" the familiar voice said, although he seemed to be laughing as if it were a joke. Caroline looked up at Klaus, knowing it was he. Once their eyes met, Caroline saw the smile that had been on Klaus' lips, disappear. Caroline took in this century's look. He had on a black long coat, with a vest underneath, his hair was short and in order. He looked much like he did the last time Caroline had seen him in the 1500's.

"You," he whispered, a finger out, pointing at her. His voice was soft, and his features changed drastically, he suddenly looked very much at peace.

"There she is," she heard a voice boom from behind her. She turned around to see the man she had harmed stumble toward the two of them, holding his wrist protectively against his chest. She could see three more men come in behind him, they took one look at Caroline and laughed.

"This defenseless woman harmed you?" One of them said, still laughing. "You really have lost your touch haven't you old boy?"

The man growled, not once taking his eyes from Caroline. "I'll kill you," he said to her, now trying to make a lunge for her. Suddenly Klaus was in front of her, grasping the man by the throat and throwing him against a tree.

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